Ramadan Series 2018': 12

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The term Imaan/Iman means 'Faith

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The term Imaan/Iman means 'Faith.'

Believing the fact that no deity is worth of worship except Allah and Mohammed (PBUH) is HIS last Prophet and Messenger.  



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Alhamdu lillahil-lathee AAafanee fee jasadee waradda AAalayya roohee wa-athina lee bithikrih.

All praise is for Allah who restored to me my health and returned my soul and has allowed me to remember Him.

At-Tirmidhi 5:473


La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa AAala kulli shay-in qadeer, subhanal-lah, walhamdu lillah, wala ilaha illal-lah wallahu akbar, wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahil-AAaliyyil AAatheem.

Rabbigh-fir lee

The Prophet said : 'Whoever awakes at night and then says:

'None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone without associate, to Him belongs sovereignty and praise and He is over all things wholly capable. How perfect Allah is, and all praise is for Allah, and none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Allah is the greatest and there is no power nor might except with Allah, The Most High, The Supreme.

and then supplicates:

'O my Lord forgive me.' ...will be forgiven'

"or he said: 'and then asks, he will be answered.If he then performs ablution and prays, his prayer will be accepted'.

Al-Bukhari 3:144


Alhamdu lillahil-lathee ahyana baAAda ma amatana wa-ilayhin-nushoor.

All praise is for Allah who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto Him is the resurrection.

Al-Bukhari 11:113, Muslim 4:2083


1) Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

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1) Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):

1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ).

2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly.

3. To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity) .

4. To perform Hajj. (i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca)

5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan.

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

2) Narrated Anas:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself."

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

3) Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:

A person asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) . "What (sort of) deeds in or (what qualities of) Islam are good?" He replied, "To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you don't know."

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

4) Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of Ramadan faithfully out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not for showing off), all his past sins will be forgiven."

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

Dated: 31st May 2018'

(Assalam O Aalikum, IKR it was supposed to be published on 29th but it's done today since I had some stuffs upcoming and I couldn't get the PC to publish. If you are on social media then you can search of the new ones by searching in Instagram or Facebook (since I'm uploading thr daily) by the #RamadanSeriesByOwnerOfTajMahal. Or you can check my profile here and find the link for my Instagram profile and Facebook. 

PS: In IG, I'm uploading this on my public a/c only. 

Jazak Allah Khair.)

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