Chapter Three - First Meet

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Hanna’s POV)

“So tell me, what’s up with this cougar thing?” I asked in December.

“What?” He looked surprised.

“You obviously dated at least one older woman. Plus you’re supposed to be the flirty one in the band. I just like to hear it all from your point of view.”

“Someone has done her research.” He took a long pause. “I just don’t think about age, that’s all.”

“Okay, but I still think it’s a bit odd.” Truth is it made me very insecure because Harry had been so much more experienced women, as if that’s what he prefers.

“I don’t know really. But I think I’m over that.” He smiled at me.

“But you’re still very flirty, pretty boy.” He raised his eyebrows.

“Maybe so, beautiful girl.”

“That was a really bad nick-name.” We laughed together and then we started to talk about something else.

“I’m actually older than you too, Harry.” I suddenly said and he started to laugh. After all I was only 4 months older than him.

“Is that so… hmm… suddenly I like you a whole lot more.” He blinked with his eye at me. 

Christmas and New Years pasted. New Years eve I spent with Hilma on a club. She found a guy to spend her night with and kept trying to find someone for me to kiss once the clock stroke twelve. But I didn’t want to kiss anyone but Harry. I had told Hilma that I’ve been talking to a guy online but not who and that he’s not even from Sweden. She would say that I’m crazy if I believe that this with Harry actually would lead anywhere.

Harry’s POV)

It was January. God seriously, I only had one girl in my mind all the time and that was Hanna. I didn’t really know if she wanted us to be more than friends. We often flirted with each-other and so. But I guess all that would sort out once we met each-other.

Which brings me to the good news.

“We’re going to Sweden next week!” I announced to Hanna.

“Seriously? Do you have concerts here?”

“No, no. We usually record our album there.” I explained.

“Oh, but it’s in Stockholm right?” She looked insecure, well she always looked insecure.

“Yes! Do you think you would be able to come visit me there? I’ll pay the train or flight and I’ll pay the hotel-room.”

“Can I trust you on that?” She never seemed to trust me or anyone else for that matter.

“Of course you can! You can sue me if I lie.”

“I don’t know. I’ve got obligations at home.”

“I bet your parents can let you leave for a few days, the farm will manage.”

“No, Harry, seriously, I can’t.”

“Come on!” I really wanted her to come, what was it that kept her from going?

“I’ve read somewhere that you like girls that play hard to get.” She smiled that amazing smile of hers.

“So, you’re doing that just so I’ll enjoy the chase?”


“Come on, Hanna, I really want to see you.”

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