Chapter Twelve - Tears

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Harry’s POV)

After the night of the show we actually got many days of. After all, we were staying here for two weeks and we only had one more show the next weekend a couple of interviews. On the Saturday evening Hanna had went back to her family just to check that everything was fine with them. She insisted of leaving right before Eleanor was about to arrive and Danielle was coming too. I couldn’t help but seeing a connection between them arriving and Hanna leaving.

During the Sunday afternoon I missed her and I was bored, so I called her. We decided to go to a nearby park. I told her I would drive to where she was and we could walk together, because I didn’t want her to walk alone.

Her cousin lived in a normal neighbourhood and not in the middle of LA so it wasn’t a huge chance that the paparazzis would find me there. We walked slowly towards the park, hand in hand, it was really hot out.

“Aren’t you warm in that beanie?” She asked me.

“Yes a little, but it’s nice to get the hair out of my face sometimes.” I said and smiled at her. She just gave me a playful smile and pulled the beanie of my head.

“Give it back.” I tried to sound mad but the smile on my lips gave me away.

“Never.” She said silently and then she started to run. I ran after her as fast as I could, she was a lot faster though. When we got in to the park she slowed down. She ran towards a big fountain. I got there just as she put my beanie into the water. It went from the light-green to dark-green within a few seconds.

“I was just cooling it for you. So it wouldn’t be so warm to wear.” She smiled proudly.

“Mhm…well… thank you then.” I said smiling back at her. I was trying to figure out a way to revenge her. The plan formed quickly in my head. I just picked her up before she realized what I was doing.

“No, Harry, don’t do it!” She screamed but I continued. I leaned over the low edge of the fountain. I gently laid her down in the water. “No, you didn’t.” She screamed and was on her way up again.

I started running though the park. “Well I was just cooling your clothes for you. You looked so warm in them.” I yelled as I kept running. I was soon out of breath and stopped. Laying down on the grass and tried to breath in normal rhythm. Someone came to lie down beside me.

“That was fun.” She said and we both started laughing at or stupidity, again. After a while I rose to my feet. I grabbed Hanna’s hand and pulled her up too. I noticed she had my beanie in her hand. She lifted it up and put it back on my head.

“Here you go, all cold for Mr. Styles.” She said and smiled a cheeky smile at me.

“Oh wow, thank you!” I exclaimed as a joke and pulled it off again. I twitched the soaked beanie in my hands and million water drops dripped from it. Then I put it on my head again and Hanna smiled big at me.

We began to walk along a trail, surrounded by trees and bushes.

“You should come back with me to the hotel to meet Danielle and Eleanor. They both want to see you.”

“I don’t know...” She looked down at the ground and wouldn’t look me in the eyes.

“They’re not dangerous. You’ll get along fine.” I tried to encourage her. I smiled at her too but she still didn’t look up.

“Fine,” she said.

“Okay.” I said and we continued walking in the park for a while. We talked about normal things but I couldn’t help but notice that her mind was somewhere else.

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