Chapter Eleven - Stupidity

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Hanna's POV)

I took a deep breath inhaling the air. In the distance I could feel the pretty familiar smell of a hotel room. They all smelled the same, old furniture’s, overused by so many different people that all left their own smell in it. 

I could feel a very familiar smell much clearer. A familiar smell I didn’t feel too often though. It was the sweet mix between cologne, perfume and the scent of his body. Together the three made out the smell of Harry.

I slowly opened my eyes. I realized I was lying with my head onto his neck, my body pressed up against his with my arm around his torso. I looked up at his face. He was awake, staring up in the ceiling. He had his arms reached over to mine and he was drawing circles with his fingers.

I stretched and he noticed that I was awake. He looked at me and smiled. It was a different smile, a very sweet one. 

“Good-morning,” he said and do I even need to mention how sexy his husky morning voice was? I’ve heard it before but this time it was even more hot.

“Good-morning,” I said back with a smile on my lips.

“What do you want to do today?” He asked and his normal cheeky smile was back.

“I don’t know.” I answered but I didn’t want to do anything really. Just stay in the hotel room all day long.

“I think I’ve got an idea but first… we need breakfast.” He reached for the phone on the bad-stand. He called room service and ordered up some breakfast. “She’ll be up in 5 minutes,” he explained. I grabbed some clothing beside the bed, just to cover myself up a little. I pulled on a pair panties and one of Harry shirt. Harry put on some underwear.

When it knocked on the door and a lady said “room service”, harry went to open the door, still only wearing his underwear. I hid myself under the covers in the bed; I didn’t want the lady to think I was Harry’s trash. 

“Thank you.” Harry said and I could hear a wagon being pulled in to the room.

“You’re welcome Mr. Styles.” She said back to him. I bet she probably was flirting with him too, but I wasn’t going to leave my hiding spot to see.

“Oh wait. Can you please not tell anyone you’ve been here? If someone asks for me, tell them I’m not here at the hotel, okay? What’s the time by the way?”

“It’s 11:30 sir.”

“Okay, can you come by with lunch at 3? That would be great.”

“Sure.” Pause. “Oh, thank you.” She said and I realized he probably got her a lot of money for not telling anyone. I heard the door shut and got up.

“What’s that about?” I asked curious.

“I just think we deserve some time alone.”

“You’ve got nothing important to do?”

“Not today.” He said and kissed me. We ate the breakfast and then we spend the hours in the room, talking, watching TV, kissing and doing other stuff… Right in one moment when things were getting a little bit steamier than before, there was a loud knock on the door.

“Harry!” Someone yelled. Louis.

“Are you in there?” another one said, Liam.

They were silent for a minute but when they realized no one was to open the door, they started to discuss.

“He must be here. The press saw him and Hanna get in her last night. His car is still outside.” Louis thought out loud.

“Maybe someone picked them up in the back or something.” Liam proposed.

“Yes but why isn’t he answering his phone.” Louis complained.

“Maybe he just wants some time alone. With Hanna.” Liam said and Louis laughed a little.

“Yeah, maybe so but he needs to be back tonight.” Louis said and I think they left the door because their voices became more unclear.

“What’s tonight?” I asked Harry, who still was lying on top of me.

“Nothing special, they probably just miss me.” He said and got back to kissing me.

Soon room-service was back again and we ate once more. We spend the rest of the afternoon just hanging out like we’ve done before.

“Shit!” Harry suddenly yelled while we where watching TV. He got up from the bed quick and started to look for something to wear.

“What’s up Harry?” I was very confused by his sudden actions.

“We got a freaking concert tonight!” He explained while putting his hands in his face. “How could I forget? Paul will be so mad!” He mumbled against his hands.

I started putting on clothes too and Harry picked up his phone when he was dressed.

“27 missed calls… The sound-check starts in 5 minutes. And the meet and greet… I’ll be so late!” We left as soon as possible and we ran through the crowd of press. The drive to the arena took us 30 minutes. We got in the back and were met by some security guards.

“They’ve been waiting for you.” He said to Harry in a hard way. Harry dragged me through the corridors and soon we were ended up by the meet and greet. Where we were greeted by a slight bit angry Paul.

“I’m sorry. I know I should have answered the phone. I just wanted to have some free time. And then we got stuck in traffic for hours!” Harry tried to explain. Everything he said was true except for the last part but at least for now Paul seemed to believe us.

“It’s fine now. Get in there!” Paul demanded. Harry went forward to the rest of One Direction and took place at the empty chair next to them.

The rest of the night when smooth and the concert was amazing. I got a front-row seat since Eleanor that was supposed to arrive that night, was held up for another day.

I thought that Harry almost was a little bit mad at me for keeping him at the hotel even though it wasn’t really my fault and I did ask him twice. But when we got back to the hotel, he was back to his own relaxing self. We spent the night laughing at our own stupidity.  

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