Chapter One - The Email

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Hanna's POV)

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hanna Johansson and I'm from Sweden. Common name, common girl. I hated it. You see, I wanted to be someone, and I wanted my name out there in the world. I might have succeeded, I might have failed, you'll know in the end. My life started to change for real, one grey September day.

I was 18, soon 19, and I had graduated from school in June. Since it was September all my friends had left for university and bigger cities. My best friend Hilma stayed behind though. You see we were both very alike. We were searching for something new and great in the world. We both wanted professions we really needed to fight for. She wanted to be an artist and she really was a great one. She decided to stay at home for a year or so to see where the world might take her and her art. She was planning on travel a little bit and I was thinking about going with her when I had the money and time.

As for me, I really wanted to be a director, producer or photographer, anything within the movie business. I wanted to make movies that changed someone's live, just like movies had changed mine, over and over again. I wanted to create something that really spoke to someone. I told myself I stayed behind because I was going to work on ideas, write some scripts and in a years time I would apply for a university that could give me some kind of education within the business. Mean while I worked on my parent's farm. Truth is I stayed behind because something or someone I loved kept me to stay home. It doesn't matter how much you beg, you won't know until I'm ready to tell you.

So, it was a normal day in September. It was rainy outside and loved rain but this day I felt really inspired so I went inside to write some. I had this great idea in my head for a while and this felt like the right moment to write it down. I logged in to Skype in case any of my friends was logged in. It was mid-day so probably not since they had classes. I was right, no one was there but I kept it open if someone would log in. I wrote page after page and for once my words came flooding fast. This was it I thought - this was going to be my break-through.

After a few hours my phone made a sound and I picked it up, it was a new email, from someone claiming to be a Harry S. I thought it was a junk-mail and I was going to deleted when I tripped on my clumsy thumps and opened it instead.

I began to read it because it wasn't junk mail after all. It was a letter.

Harry's POV)

I've gotten a tip from a friend a few days earlier. I had complained about not finding someone that treated me for who I was and not Harry Styles the boy from One Direction. So a friend of mine told me that I searched in the wrong places. Either I just talked to fans or to other famous people. Truth is, it's actually really hard to find the right girl along so many millions, and it was so hard not to miss the perfect one. I took this persons advice and started to look around everywhere else.

I almost became obsessed. I looked on Twitter, Tumblr and any other page where I could see people's profile without being their friend. I tried to find people that shared my interests, music-taste, just anything. And then I found Her. I looked at her Twitter and every tweet spoke to me. It really did. Along with her tweets about daily stuff, she tweeted many quotes, written by others and herself. She seemed like a really smart girl and I knew what she meant with every word she said. Not to mention her music taste. It was unbelievable; it was as if she copied my playlists. I found her on Tumblr were she also wrote smart things. She only had a few followers, which I thought was such a shame for someone as incredible as herself. Luckily I found her email there and decided to contact her that way. I send away an email to her.

Hanna's POV)

"Hi, my name is Harry, I'm 18 and this is really stupid, childish and everything else that could be wrong. But I just had to contact you in some way. First of all, your music-taste is like heaven. Second, the words you say, they're heaven too. I don't know what do say or do. I know I'm kind of a stalker but I just have to get to know you. Seems to me we got so much in common. I just want to get to know you. I want to be your friend. Okay? I'm not a creep. I just can't tell you who I am right now. I'll tell you when I know I can trust you. Please answer me :) "

I felt a little bit flattered even though it was quite possible that it was an old dude wanting to get in my pants. But I wasn't that stupid, I would never meet up with someone from internet. This actually seemed to be different because he actually took his time to look at my twitter or something.

I knew exactly what he meant. It was actually easier to get to know someone over internet. So I though, what a hell and wrote him an answer. I often talked to guys over internet and such but I never met them because they probably are creeps. But it's nice to talk to someone that only knows your name. It's easier to be honest with them. Of course I had my friend Hilma for that but it was nice to talk to boys too. Don't get me wrong, I've had real boyfriends. But I have never found someone that treats me right and over internet most people are nice if you're nice to them...

So I wrote an answer back to Harry. Just to have someone to talk to. I felt very lonely now that all my friends had gone away.

Harry's POV)

I got an answer back quickly and I had time to read before the boys and I was going out on the road to travel to our next concert.

"Hello, Harry. I'm Hanna. It doesn't hurt to get to know someone new. So who are you? I mean what do you like to do? What music do you listen to? All that random stuff :) Where are you from? I'm all ears."

I gave her the longest answer back, telling her all about ME.

Things went on like that for like a month or something, us sending long emails to each-other. She was really kind and nice. When I came back to the UK in early November we started to chat on Skype due to the time-difference had been too big between America and Sweden. I told her I had been there just travelling around with some friends for a few months. Which wasn't a lie, I just left out the part about the concerts. I actually didn't tell the boys about her, not that I had to since they pretty much knew it anyway. I was at my computer or phone for the longest time writing emails and sometimes I closed the door to sit in private and chat for hours.

We chatted over Skype but she said she didn't want to have a conversation on the cam because she was too shy and I said the same. I wasn't ready to show her my face yet. She would probably recognize me directly if she knew who One Direction is. I wanted to be Harry S for a little bit longer.

I usually complimented her profile-pictures because she was really pretty. Not much make-up and she had really long light-brown hair. When I told her that she was beautiful she rubbed it of and kept saying she was nothing special. But for me, she was really special.

Hanna's POV)

I was on my computer too much. Instead of writing stories, I was writing emails. I stayed up all night chatting with him about everything and it started to be a real pain in the ass to get up at 6 am some mornings to work. But I didn't really care because Harry always made me happy. And even though I didn't really believe him when he told me that I was beautiful, it still was so flattering.

He only had really unclear profile-pictures and you couldn't really see who it was in the pictures. I could see some curly dark hair, which I thought seemed really cute. I liked curly hair. Apparently he was from UK. I had never been to UK but it was a dream of mine to actually live there soon. I couldn't help to let my mind drift away on paths my thoughts shouldn't go. Paths where Harry and I meet, falls in love and then we live together somewhere in UK.

I always dreamed and I knew this would never happen but I couldn't help wishing for it to happen.

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