Chapter Two - Who Are You?

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Harry’s POV)

(In the Skype-chat)

Harry: I’m ready!

Hanna: For what?

Harry: To let you know who I am…

I took a deep breath and hit the “call” button.

Hanna: Okay, but haven’t fixed myself today, after all I work on a farm.

Then she accepted. The lightning was pretty good so could see her clearly. I leaned back in my chair and took in her beauty. She didn’t know where to look, she was obviously nervous and so were I. This was it, would she recognize me? Or was I still just a normal boy to her?

“Hello, you’re even prettier in person.” I said to her.

“Same to you. I bet those curls of yours have made you very popular with the ladies.” I was overwhelmed when she spoke to me. Her voice made me knees weak. She smiled shyly and I could see that she has dimples too.

“Nice dimples.” I said and gave her a cheeky smile.

“You too, pretty boy. Bet that makes you popular with the ladies too.” She raised her eyebrows to me.

“Maybe so. Where’s that American accent from?” I asked because she spoke very good English and she had a really clear American accent.

“Don’t know really. I’ve been to America a few times since my cousin lives there. I’ve got a pretty good ear with language so if I hear someone talk in a special way for a long time I start to talk like that too. If I talk to you a lot I will probably start speaking with a British accent.”

Then I heard someone call Hanna’s name and say something in Swedish to her.

“I got to go.” She whispered. “See you later Harry.” Again her voice stunned me. The way she said my name…

Hanna’s POV)

God, he was so adorable! Those curls, those eyes. Not to mention the dimples! I’m a sucker for dimples. But I couldn’t help thinking he was way out of my league. He was so pretty and I bet he really had a lot of girlfriends. Like I say, way out of my league. I bet now that he seen me in person he would stop talking with me for sure. I couldn’t help thinking that he looked familiar though. It was hard for me to think I’ve forgot someone as beautiful as him but I just couldn’t remember where I’ve seen his face.

I had to go because my younger brother, Erik, told me that I had to go out and work. Harry and I could continue this later, if he wanted to.

 * * *

I got in at 8pm and went straight to the shower. Then I put on a pair of long, blue pyjama-trousers together with a tight black tank-top. I went downstairs to grab some food. I woke up my computer and to my surprise Harry was logged in. I got a call from him on Skype as soon as I opened it.

“Hello, I’ve been waiting on you.” Harry said and smiled big at me.

“For how long?” I was glad to hear that I didn’t scare him away.

“A few hours…” he admitted silently.

“A few hours?!” I shouted in shock. Wow, he really did like me.

“You said, see you later, so I came back later. May I add how beautiful you look? You look even more beautiful hour by hour.” I just realized that I just put my wet hair in a long braid, I must look terrible. I blushed but he could probably not see it. I didn’t know what to say so I stayed quiet.

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