Chapter Fifteen - Laughs

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Harry’s POV)

My plan worked! It killed me not to see Hanna and not even be able to talk with her about her new life. She was in the same country as me again but I wasn’t able to see her. I had only had one long break and that was when I got back to LA and then it was too soon to meet her. To be honest I couldn’t wait for Christmas so that I could finally get a break long enough to see her. We didn’t have any shows between December 17th and January 10th so it was a long break! I intended on spending the days with Hanna no matter what she said about it. The fact that she accepted the job in the first place told me that she was ready to get out in the world again.

I kept in touch with Scott the whole time and he told me about Hanna’s progress. He said she looked happier everyday. That she joked and laughed a lot. She cried sometimes too, during emotional scenes or when she was down. Scott and his uncle Simon were always there for her and she became close to them fast. It made me glad because that meant she had learned to trust them and that she didn’t hide her sadness behind her humor. She talked to them much but she never talked about me. It made me bit jealous that they got to see her everyday when I couldn’t. At least I knew that Scott was in a happy relationship and was getting married in the summer.

Since Scott was talking to both of us, we arranged a meeting. It would be pretty awkward taking it over phone. I just told Scott to tell Hanna that I would come over to her apartment when I came back to London.

I said good-bye to all the boys on the airport. We were all heading in different directions. They were all going home. We were in Dublin so Niall was just a car ride away from his. I stepped on the plane to London with a smile. It was my heart that made me smile. My heart longed for Hanna and couldn’t wait to finally meet her again. My mind had different thoughts though but I ignored it because it mostly consist of scenarios were Hanna told me she didn’t want me anymore. I was also nervous because myself, I had something to tell her and I wasn’t sure how she would take it.

I just left my bags at home and then I left again to go to her new home, which wasn’t far away. It wasn’t in the centre of the town so it wasn’t too many people around so I didn’t need to worry about fans. I sat in the car outside her apartment with my hands in my face as I took calm deep breaths, I was seriously afraid of rejection. She had agreed to meet me but maybe everything had changed for her. Maybe she didn’t have any feelings for me anymore.

“Man up.” I told myself and opened the door. I went inside the building and found the right apartment on the second floor. It seemed like a pretty nice building after all. More middle-price than low-price, I was glad Hanna had found something like that.

I knocked on the door… and waited. I could hear steps walking up to the door. She let me wait a little bit longer. Maybe she was just as nervous as me? Or maybe she was nervous because she was going to break up with me. She finally opened the door.

And there she was; just as beautiful as ever. Her brown hair was still long but a great deal shorter since last time I saw her. She looked much healthier. You never notice changes around someone when you’re around them much. Of all the times I had seen her before, she actually had been pale and her eyes were always tired. This was like a whole new person that stood in front of me.

I smiled from ear to ear and tears formed in my eyes since I smiled to widely. We stood there for a moment just staring in to each-others eyes. Hers were glowing with happiness and mine too. I forgot my worries, she was happy to see me. I still had to tell her though…

I closed the door behind me as I finally walked up to her. I wrapped my arms around her warm body. She hugged me back tightly. I knew I probably shouldn’t, maybe it was too soon. I didn’t know what Hanna wanted yet. But I knew what I wanted – so I kissed her.

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