Chapter Six - Telling The Truth

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Harry’s POV)

As much as I wanted to know the truth, I just wanted to spend the night together with Hanna without any troubles. I didn’t want to destroy one of few nights we got together so I let everything go for know. It worked pretty well because first we spend and hour playing games with her brother and then we watched The Big Bang Theory all night long. Then we got ready for bed and hit the sheets. She had her face towards me. Her eyes were closed and she looked so peaceful lying there. I just stared at her and I think she knew it too. I reached out a hand and searched for hers under the blanket. A shiver flew trough my arm as I found it. She didn’t open her eyes as I let my hand move along her arm, over the side of her stomach. I held my breath as I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. She easily followed and our bodies were so close. She still had her eyes closed as I took a deep breathe and then moved my head the last piece and my lips found hers.

The kiss was really nice. It wasn’t hot or passionate, it was sweet. Everything with Hanna was so different from whit all the other girls I’ve been with. It was because I didn’t want to move fast with her. I didn’t want to rush things - both for Hanna and for myself. For Hanna because she had such a hard time trusting people and for me because I wanted to know this was going to work before we made this public.

When the kiss was over we didn’t let go of each-other, instead we held on and feel asleep in each-others arms.

Hanna’s POV)

When I first woke up I didn’t register what really went on. The first thing I thought of was last night and Harry’s sweet and soft lips…

“Hanna. You have to go out.” My mum whispered from the door-way. Suddenly reality was back. I managed to ignore it all afternoon but now it all came back. I gently got out of Harry’s grip and fast put on some more clothes before I met my mum in the door-way.

“Sebastian…” She said and looked at me.

“Call. Just call.” I said and pasted her in the door.

Harry’s POV)

I woke up in the bed alone and Hanna wasn’t in the room either. I pulled on a pair of trousers and a warm sweater. I walked downstairs and found her mom, just ending a phone-call.

“Where’s Hanna?” I asked.

“She’s in the stable… waiting for the vet…” She said slowly.

“Oh, okay.” I said and walked to the hall, grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes. I opened the door and then stopped myself as the cold hit me in the face like knifes. I backed inside again and looked at the thermometer by the door, -27! My clothes were way to thin for this weather. As I turned around her mother was standing there.

“You don’t have any clothes I can borrow? It’s pretty cold outside.” She laughed.

“Yes, it’s the coldest winter we had in a few years. I’m sure I can find something for you in Hanna’s father’s closet.”

After I got some warmer clothes on I walked out to the stable. It was early, maybe 7am or something so it was still very dark outside. The sun wasn’t even up on the horizon yet. I opened the stable door, all the cribs were empty, and the horses were already outside again. I walked along the aisle until I saw one that was open but not empty. Hanna was sitting in there with the horse from yesterday. The horse was lying down and didn’t even lift it’s hand when I came in. I kneeled down next to her, grabbing her free hand. The other one she gently stroked the horse with.

“I knew it could happen any day now.” She whispered, a few tears running down her chin.

“That’s why you didn’t want to leave, right?” I whispered back.

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