Chapter Fourteen - Apart

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Harry’s POV)

After we finally left Los Angeles we went back for a few weeks break in London. I was glad to finally leave that hotel room; it held too many bad memories that I wanted to forget. During our stay in London my mum came to visit. It was nice seeing her considering I hadn’t seen her in a very long time and after her stay, it would probably go many months before I ever did again.

I couldn’t tell any of the boys why Hanna left but they all knew that I still loved her. I just said that she had some things she needed to figure out. That wasn’t a lie but I wanted to tell them the whole truth. The truth about how I was so broken because she didn’t trust me. That she didn’t let me help her through the rough time in her life. The two weeks in London was the hardest because we weren’t busy at all. No shows, no interviews, not even a meeting about something. It left me with so much time to think about Hanna.

Then we headed of to Australia. There we were busy all the time and we stayed for two months. Hanna’s birthday was in October and I just couldn’t shut up anymore. I’d been so very patient and I never called or texted her. I couldn’t let her birthday pass without giving her my wishes.

I wanted to call her but I honestly didn’t know what to say if she would pick up. So I sent her a text. And if she by any chance would have changed her phone-number I tweeted her too. By this time magazines and websites knew that Hanna wasn’t my girlfriend anymore, although I still considered her that still. I didn’t care that they would probably call me lovesick or desperate when I sent her a tweet saying “Happy Birthday Hanna, I love you xx.” Hanna hadn’t tweeted in months. In fact, I had no idea what she was up to. She could be dead and I wouldn’t know.

I knew her brother would keep me updated if I only had his number or something but I didn’t.   

I went to her profile and I read her last tweet over and over again: “Going to LA where I’m going to meet the one person that makes my life worth living.” August 2nd. She had over 700 000 followers, last time I was there she barely had 400!

As I was staring at the screen a little not appeared over her tweets: “1 new tweet”

I pressed to show the tweet.

“Thank You.”

She hadn’t attached my username or anything but I knew it was for me. I couldn’t stop smiling; this was the only contact we had since she left. 

Hanna’s POV)

The next months weren’t so easy. I acted like nothing the rest of the LA trip. I had done a pretty good job before to hiding my pain, this wasn’t anything different. I didn’t want to ruin or holiday; my brother didn’t deserve that. When we finally got home again, I talked to my parents. I just told them I wasn’t feeling well. They found me a therapist, which I probably should have gone to many years before if I hadn’t been so darn stubborn.

She was perfect. I mean sure every therapist could have helped me a lot too, but this woman, she was a saint. After the first meeting we had she told me that I wasn’t crazy, I didn’t need medication or a mental hospital, all I needed was to talk about everything, all the time. We met up two times a week but eventually we only saw each-other once every other week.

For the moment, I continued working on our farm because I didn’t know what to do.

Harry? Well I didn’t check up on what he was doing all the time. But my annoying brother did. He always came running with facts like “They’re performing in Sydney today!” or “Niall and Liam had a dance battle on last nights show!” So basically, I knew what went on in his life all the time.

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