Chapter Five - Surprise!

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Hanna’s POV)

When we got back to the hotel the boys left. They said something about going out. I knew this was just another way for them to leave Harry and me alone. We decided to watch a movie so we sat down on the couch. But the movie we choose was really boring so we just ended up talking all night long. Then we both fell half-asleep on the couch and didn’t wake up until the boys got in, which was late, or very early. They were all a little bit drunk when they walked in, not even trying to let the sleeping continue sleeping.  

“Naw, how cute.” I heard Louis say when he saw us.

“They’re just adorable!” Liam added.

“Aaaaw” All of them said in unison.

“Yes, Harry’s feet are very adorable.” I said because in fact Harry had his head on the other side than what I had. I opened my eyes, seeing for pairs of eyes staring at us.

“Yours stink!” Harry yelled and sat up fast, throwing a pillow at me. His hair was a true mess and we all laughed at his appearance.

“We need to crash, more recordings tomorrow lads!” Liam said, always the responsible one.

So we all went to bed, Harry in his room and me in my room.

I went up pretty early since I was going to catch a train pretty early. Someone came knocking on my door just as I finished putting my clothes on.

“It’s Harry, can I come in?” He asked through the door.

“Sure.” I said and he opened the door himself, after all he had another key.

“I don’t want you to go. I want you to go with me tomorrow instead.”

“Where to?” I asked and smiled.

“Anywhere you want to!” Harry said and smiled.

“You know how much I want to but…” He cut me off.

“But you got obligations at home, I know.” He said looking a bit sad. I wish I could just tell him, I mean it wasn’t such a big deal. But I was afraid he would reject me.

“Yes…” I said slowly because I didn’t know what else to say.

“Just make the best of what we got left this time! Let’s start with breakfast!”

The others got up too. After breakfast we all talked and hung out. A few hours later it was time for me to leave. All the boys hugged me good-bye and then Harry drove me to the station. He leaned forward and put his arms around me when we stopped.

“I’ll miss you more than you’ll know.” He mumbled in my ear.

“We’ll still see each-other.” I said.

“Yes and when we do see each-other in real life, it will be very special.” He told me and I totally agreed. After a very long hug he let me go. But then he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a quick peck on my mouth. I didn’t realize it happened until it was over.

Harry returned to his driver’s position and didn’t look at me. He got so nervous around me for some reason. From what I’ve seen from the videos of him, he really was the flirt and always had real confidence around them. But around me he was nervous and it was really cute.

“Of you go,” Harry said and finally turned his head around to smile at me.

“Bye Harry.” I said, giving him a huge smile and walked out. When I walked a few meters I turned back and waved, he waved back. I smiled the entire trip home when I thought of Harry and our little kiss.

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