Chapter Eighteen - Interviewing

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Hanna’s POV)  

We woke up just as tired we had been before. Basically it was just Harry and I and a few security-guards I recognized from before. They did our make-up and then it was show-time. All of the sudden I found myself sitting in front of a live audience with cameras all around me that streamed everything live to people’s TV-screens. I was a bit nervous but mostly for what kind of questions they were going to ask and the performance.  

“Hello and welcome to The Morning Show. We’re here today with Harry Styles from One Direction who is here together with his lovely girlfriend Hanna Johansson.” The female interviewer called Helena started of. “Welcome Harry and Hanna!” The other interview named James said. “Thank you.” Harry and I said in unison.  

“I’m very happy to be here.” I added. “So the entire One Direction and Hanna were supposed to be here but we had some trouble and now only 1/5 of them are here. I know many of you are disappointed but this gives us an extraordinary opportunity to get to know Harry and Hanna better.” James continued speaking directly to the audience and cameras.  

“So we’re going to talk a lot about the movie “Finding my way back” but of course also about One Direction.” Helena said to the camera and then turned towards us and looked at Harry. “Let’s start with the One Direction’s news. Tell us Harry, what’s the latest in your world?”    

“We’re having a break now which is really nice considering we haven’t had this long break since before X-factor.” Harry explained and then they continued talking about Album plans and a new world-tour. They asked me a few questions about how I felt about Harry and I being apart so much.   “So this movie, you have been the photographer in, right Hanna?” James asked me.

“Yep,” I said and nodded.

“Can you tell us shortly what it’s about?” Helena asked.

“Well, it’s about a boy, named Lewis. He looses his entire family in a tragic accident. Of course he’s affected very much by it and gets deeply depressed. He shuts everyone out, including his aunt - that he lives with after his parent’s death – and used to be very close to. He meets this girl and falls madly in love with her. But he’s afraid and since he hasn’t really spoken to anyone for such a long time, he doesn’t know what to say. The movie is basically about him finding his way back to life again.”  

“Seems like a very tragic story. From what I’ve heard, you have been through something similar.” James said and I froze. It was exactly these kinds of questions I was afraid to receive. I had no idea what to say even though I prepared a thousand different answers in my head before.  

“She lost her twin-brother when they were 13. In cancer, it’s something Hanna doesn’t like talking about.” Harry said saving me and hugged my hand tight. James and Helena nodded silently; they probably didn’t know where to go after that question so they kept quiet for many seconds.  

“Understandable.” James said to continue the interview.

“So for how long have you known each-other?” “It feels like forever but it has only been a year and six months, give or take.” Harry answered.

“But you’re living together now, right? You’re from Sweden Hanna, are you going to stay here now?” “First I didn’t plan on staying for long but then we decided to move in together so I guess I’ll have to find a job here now.” I answered with a smile.

“Scott and I are actually planning another movie; one that I’ve written.” This was the first time I said it, Harry didn’t know. He looked surprised.  

“Wow, I did not know that!” Harry exclaimed. “I just thought you were going to live in my flat and let me pay all the rent!” He joked and the audience laughed loud.  

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