Chapter Sixteen - Propositions

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Hanna’s POV)

We drove to Holmes Chapel in Harry’s car the 23rd. We weren’t bored for one second. We kept singing at the top of our lungs to the radio. By the time we finally arrived in the afternoon, we didn’t have our voices left.

I stared up at his house when Harry stopped the car in the driveway. I was a little bit nervous meeting his family for the first time, especially when Anne probably knew about my depression, Harry couldn’t lie to his own mum about his girlfriend. I felt a hand squeeze mine, I looked over at Harry.

“It’s fine, don’t worry love.” He said with a little smile. He kissed me once fast and then he was out of the car. “Come one!”

I laughed at Harry’s eager to see his family. It was just Harry, Gemma, Anne, Harry’s stepfather Robin and I to celebrating Christmas together.

We grabbed our bags from the back of the car and walked up. We were greeted in the door by Anna that hugged her son for a long time and then gave me one too.

“Welcome Hanna! We heard so much about you, but isn’t that what everyone says?” Anne joked, she had a welcoming smile on her lips.

His family was really welcoming to me and I felt at home in their house. This house was so much different from Harry and Louis’ apartment where I spend the last few days, because it was a lot nicer than my apartment. This house reminded me that Harry came from a normal home just like, not that I ever had seen him as a big celebrity, to me he was a normal lad but not any man in his age had an apartment like that, if you know what I mean.

The evening went on smoothly and at the end of it, Harry showed me upstairs to his old bedroom where we left out bags and then I went in to the bathroom to make myself ready for bed. When I got back, Harry went to the bathroom after me. I looked around in his room.

In a way, it was as if he never left it because it was filled with things. But these things didn’t belong to Harry - the soon 20-year old; they all belonged to Harry - the young teenage-boy.

Someone was knocking on the open door; I turned around to see Anne standing in the doorway. “Come in, I guess.” I said laughing a little bit nervously; she couldn’t have come without a reason.

We sat down on Harry’s bed together. She grabbed my hand.

“I’m so happy Harry got someone like you. I mean he has the lads to keep him grounded but I’m glad he found a girl that isn’t caught up in fame. Although, I’ve heard you’re an upcoming star.”

“Behind the camera, yes.” I chuckled.     

“I don’t say this to make it harder for you but I want you to know how down Harry was when you were gone. You both are good for each-other; I hope you’ll stay together for a long time.” She gave me an honest and warm smile. “I also want you to know that if you ever need to talk about anything, I’ll be here. Just call or visit, whatever and whenever.” I smiled back at her. She was just so nice to me.  

I gave her a big hug to show her my appreciation.

Short after she left and Harry came back to the room. He closed the door behind him and in the dim light I saw that he was only wearing a towel around his hips. He turned towards me and stared at me.

“Are you crying?” His eyes were filled with worry as he came up to where I still sat at the bed.

“Don’t worry, they’re happy tears. You’re so lucky to have such a terrific mum and she’s giving me so much love too.

“How can someone not love you?” He asked and gave me a long, loving kiss. I pulled away first.

“Put some damn clothes on, you’re too hot. I don’t want to do something I regret tomorrow when everyone is laughing at us when we eat breakfast.” Harry laughed out loud at my joke.

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