Chapter Seventeen - The New Life

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Hanna’s POV

It was early March and the movie premiere was only two nights away now. I sat in the living-room of mine and Harry’s new apartment. Harry was in the shower and I had the TV off and was left with my own thoughts. I loved our new home; it was beautiful it really did feel like home there. The flat was situated inside a pretty old house, it was renovated but all the old features were still there. It felt a lot like my family’s home back in Sweden.

It had a huge kitchen, a nice living-room, a master bedroom, an office and a spare-bedroom we were going to use as a guest-room for a while. Weird to say it but living with Harry made money no problem at all. Not that I wanted to buy the more expensive things but now I could turn this in to a dream-home, after all we planed to stay there for a very long time because we planed to be together for a very long time. 

During the two months that passed, not much else had happened except the move. Harry and I grew closer and closer and we were almost inseparable, we spend all the time together. Hilma was with us much too and she got to know the other boys well as well. She got along with them very good but nothing romantic though. Even though both Niall and Hilma looking a bit lonely next to all of us, they had no feelings for each-other. 

The movie was now finished; I had been with and helped with the last editing since I wanted to know more about it. It gave me something to do during the days since I didn't have anything else but sit at home. One Direction was going to have a really long well-deserved break during the spring and summer. No tours, no new recordings. Just a few performances here and there and a few random song-writing nights whenever.

The movie had a big surprise in the soundtrack which made the movie very popular, very fast. It was a song preformed by non other than One Direction but more about that later. 

The movie premiere was only two nights away. As much as I looked forward to it, I was really nervous. The boys were going to be there because of the song and Harry was my date. 

Tomorrow morning we had an interview. Yes: WE, I was coming too! Since I was the one to write the song I made for the movie, which One Direction recorded. We were going on the morning show to have an interview and perform the show.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry said breaking me from my own little world.

"The premiere." I answered.

"You nervous?" He asked while he got seated beside me and put his arm around my shoulders.


"Don't worry, everyone gets nervous. I'm nervous too. Then when it's over you realize it's not a big deal.”

“I know.” I said giving him a gentle smile.

“Want to get your mind off it?” Harry proposed very eager.

“What do you have in mind, isn’t it bedtime now if we’re going up early?”

“Maybe so but you’re not tired, right?”

“No,” I answered. Harry knew me too well. We would probably end up watching a movie all night long anyway. “What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s go to the park!”

“The park? Aren’t all the parks closed at nights? I mean the once without all the criminals in.”

“Have you never seen Notting Hill? They break in to those all the times! Come on, let’s go.” Harry said and pulled me up from the couch. “It’s another place except this house where we can be completely alone.”

We went to the door and drove to the park. Like I said, the gates were closed. But Harry insisted on going over the fence. There was one place where it was easy to climb over so we did.

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