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Dan heard Phil sigh, except it wasn't a sad sigh, it was much more peaceful.

"Why'd you wake up?" Dan whispered, his voice croaking a little
"Sore neck" Phil shrugged.

Dan hated this distance they seemed to have. He was afraid of talking about his emotions, though. He didn't know what to do.

"Phil- I'm sorry" Dan mumbled. He kept saying sorry yet it had lost it's meaning somewhere along the way.
"It's okay" Phil replied, smiling at Dan.
"No it's not-" Dan looked up at Phil, wiping a tear from his eye "I would've been really dead without you coming to save me, again"
"I guess it's lucky that I came, huh?"
"I guess" Dan nodded, looking down at his drawing of Phil's eyes.


Four months had passed since that night.
Dan had gone off to Manchester University and was Skyping Phil every night

"We need to meet up!" Phil smiled through the blurry webcam
"Yeah. I miss you" Dan smiled
"DAN ARE YOU SKYPING YOUR BOYFRIEND CAN I SEE HIM?" Troye yelled from the kitchen
"FRIEND. TROYE. Anyways can Troye say hi to you?" Dan laughed "He really wants to meet you"
"Of course, dummy. I wanna meet your Manchester friends to make sure they're being nice"
"I'M A NICE BITCH" Troye ran into the room
"Hey, Troye" Dan raised his eyebrow "Troye, Phil. Phil, Troye"
"Hi Troye" Phil grinned, laughing slightly
"Dan did well" Troye nodded before walking out.

"He seems friendly" Phil adjusted his fringe slightly
"He is. A bit of a dumbass though"
"Oh! Jaiden wants to say hi" Phil looked up for a second, probably to signal that Jaiden could come over
"Hi I'm Jaiden, I use they and them pronouns and I fucking love bees" Jaiden got up and walked out
"Bye?" Dan smiled "They seem pretty fun"
"They do love bees-" Phil laughed, his tongue poking out.


Dan boarded the train, he was headed to Leeds with Troye to meet up with Phil and Jaiden.

"You excited to see your friend?" Troye laughed
"Yeah" Dan blushed. He hadn't seen Phil since he had to leave for Uni. He missed him, a lot.
"It hasn't even been three months since you last saw each other in reals, right?"
"Yeah but still" Dan played with his fringe "He was around me a lot for about a year"
"That seems pretty gay, Dan"
Dan just blushed some more.


"Phil!" Dan smiled, walking over to him. Phil immediately smiled at Dan.
"The perks of being in Leeds is that nobody knows us" He whispered smirking. God, I missed that smirk Dan thought.
"What?" Troye raised his eyebrow "What did he say?"
"What'd you say, Phil" Jaiden bumped his arm
"Not important" Phil laughed, his hand painfully close to Dan's


"So, Dan, are you going to Phil's wedding?" Jaiden asked.
Dan's heart dropped.

Of course, he was marrying Monica, she was pregnant with his fucking child. Dan knew this day would come, but God he wished it never did.

"He's coming" Phil nodded, Dan didn't look up
"Yeah" Dan croaked. "Can't wait"

He was going to go to Phil's wedding. He wanted to be a supportive best friend because that was what mattered, none of this bullshit-ruining-the-wedding he longed to do.

Dan's phone buzzed

One text from Phil

Long story, I'll explain when we're alone x


Phil kissed Dan the moment they were alone, Dan kissed back, too.

"I won't be able to kiss you for much longer" Dan whispered
"Fuck- Yeah, she told me I had to propose or some bullshit"

Dan sighed

"Did you want to?"
"God no- I would rather lick a porcupines asshole than marry her. But I gotta for the kid"

She's manipulating him

"Could you please be the best man?"
"Of course, babe" Dan smiled weakly.

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