Chapter 3: Pop Quiz

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"...According to Raiden, I'm descended from a Mediterranean war cult that bred warriors for the gods or some shit like that." Johnny crossed his arms and leaned against the cool metal of the vehicle interior. "I've never been able to re-summon that green halo. Raiden thinks it was triggered when I saw a loved one about to die."

"How about you, Cassie?" A young man with long dark hair tied in a ponytail nodded to the young woman in front of him. "Can you summon anything like that? Or did it skip a generation?"

The other young man sent him a warning glance. "Take it easy, Jin."

Cassie snorted as she kept her eyes on the computer. A blonde strand of hair managed to escape from the tight bun. "We didn't need a halo in Darfur-or Iran, or Kurdistan. Did we, Jacqui?" She addressed the other young woman beside her.

"Nope, we didn't. Shaolin monks ever send you there, Jin?" Jacqui shot back.

Tongue in cheek, Kung Jin crossed his arms and adjusted himself in his seat. "I've seen plenty of action; Takeda and I both." He jabbed a finger at the young man sitting next to him. "Stuff that'd blow your Special Forces minds-"

Cassie stopped what she was doing at the computer and swiveled around to face Kung Jin, a curse ready to roll off her tongue, when Johnny intervened.

"At ease. You're all here because you deserve to be. You're beautiful and unique snowflakes." He looks at each of the four before continuing. "Now, as I'm sure you're unaware-judging from the lack of gift cards-today is our team's six week anniversary. Secretary Blake says he's pleased with our progress."

Kung Jin rolled his eyes. "You could spit in his hair and he'd be 'pleased with our progress'."

"He was smart enough to have Mister Cage put this team together." Jacqui defended.

"I'm glad the Shirai Ryu chose me to join." Takeda added. "New places..." his dark eyes looked over at Jacqui, " faces."

"As the secretary pointed out, us older folks are gonna retire someday, so it's time for your generation to step up. Shaolin, Shirai Ryu, S-F. Together. For your team's first mission, you're going to the Lin Kuei Temple."

Ignoring the glances Kung Jin and Takeda threw at each other, Cage proceeded to explain. "We haven't heard from the Grandmaster in a while, so we need to make sure he's still on our side; that he's got our backs if things flare up again with Outworld. You need to bring him in, but don't be surprised if Sub-Zero's not willing to cooperate."

"Why be worried about Outworld?" Cassie asked, "I thought Kotal Kahn respected the Reiko Accords?"

The former actor shrugged, "He does, but he's facing a civil war. The rebels win, those accords will be history."


Johnny had dropped the team off and the four of them snuck towards one of the entrances of the Lin Kuei Temple. As lightly as they tried to tread, their feet left prints in the white snow. The chilled breeze brushed Jacqui's exposed ears and every now and then she attempted to rub the cold out.

The four of them hid behind the wall an peered over to see two Lin Kuei, dressed in the signature light blue armor, run quickly up the nearby staircase. The two ran into the temple and stopped only to bow to the Grandmaster.

Sub-Zero, sitting on the throne, regarded the two Lin Kuei silently with whitened eyes, waiting for them to speak.

"The forward defenses stand down as you command, Grandmaster." One reported.

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