Chapter 18: Little White Lies

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Two days had passed since the incident with Frost. Two days had passed since Sub-Zero had torn the orders of Sonya Blade. Neither sibling knew about the other. Both were getting restless as the day rolled on.

Ember wasn't necessarily bored, but she was nervous. Nervous for her clan, nervous for Johnny. She wanted to know when she could return to her Feathers or at least when she could assist in rescuing Cage.

Unfortunately Ember was worried of bringing the topic up to Sub-Zero-she would feel terrible if his feelings were hurt.

How could she tell him that she wanted to return to her clan without him feeling like she wanted to leave him? The more time that passed the more she felt Sub-Zero's hold on her tightening. Ember groaned internally, it was all so confusing.

She watched his training sessions, half-heartedly enjoying watching his trainees fall on their asses.

The day itself lolled on slowly. Sub-Zero noticed on multiple accounts that something was off but he never really was good with emotions. He figured whatever was going on in her mind would pass.

It was after dinner that she approached him. "Kuai, have you heard anything from Sonya?"

It was a simple question, innocent enough. However, Sub-Zero stiffened. "Yes, actually. The general has informed me that she'll no longer need your services. She suggested that you spend the rest of your sentence here." He brazenly lied, he hadn't lied like that in a very long time.

He was doing this for her, he enforced in his mind, having her near would keep her safe.

Ember raised an eyebrow. There was something in his tone that set off suspicion.

"You know, I am feeling better. Maybe I could help them find Joh-"

"Absolutely not."

Ember blinked, unsure she had just heard correctly. "...Pardon me?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "You are not allowed to go to Outworld, the Sky Temple, or anywhere out of temple grounds without an escort, Ember. Not until your sentence is finished." His voice was sharp, which surprised both of them.

Eyes narrowed, Ember crossed her arms. "Who said anything about Outworld or the Sky Temple?" When he didn't reply she asked "Alright, so how much longer is my sentence?"

"I do not know." He shortly replied, much to her growing frustration.

She was agitated to say the least, there was something he was hiding-she just didn't know what. As much as she wanted to demand he tell her what crawled up his ass and died, she knew it would only serve to piss him off.

Instead, she walked away, muttering a 'night' over her shoulder. It was weird, not wanting to make Sub-Zero upset. She hadn't cared about pissing someone off in years.

Once she had gotten to her room, she immediately began removing her gown, folding it on a chair before retrieving her silk pajamas.

She had pulled on the top, crossing the room in her underwear to get her bottoms, when she heard something rattling at her glass window.

"What the fuck?!" Ember jumped, startled to see Hanzo out her window.

While he was unlocking her window from outside, Ember quietly hissed "What are you doing here?!"

"I've come to bring you to Sonya Blade." Hanzo answered as he slowly opened the windows, careful to not let them creak. "The Lin Kuei seem to be on high alert tonight-we should hurry."

He paused before clearing his throat and averting his eyes. "You might be more comfortable with clothes on..."

It was then that she remembered she was half-naked and blushed while hurriedly reaching to cover herself.

"I thought Sonya said I would finish my sentence here?" Ember inquired, not meeting his eyes.

Hanzo looked confused. "Who told you that? The General had sent word to Kuai Liang that she would be sending someone to get you."

The frown deepened on her face as she finally looked at him, "...Does Sonya need me in Outworld?"

The Shirai Ryu ninja nodded, "Yes, she assigned you...I'm to come along."

He figured this information would upset her, but instead she growled her brother's name under her breath. He must've gotten the letter, it would explain where he came to the conclusion of trapping her in the temple.

Ember dropped the pajama bottoms, not caring that Hanzo quickly averted his eyes, finding the pattern on the rug extremely interesting.

She went to the wardrobe and brought out her Phoenix armor before dressing herself as quickly as possible. When the pajama top flew off of her and onto the bed Hanzo was glad he could blame the chilly night for the redness spreading across his face.

"I...I'm assuming that Kuai Liang did not inform you?" Hanzo ventured to ask, keeping his eyes on everything other than Ember until she finished getting into her armor.

"Nope." She answered. When she was ready she motioned for Hanzo to move so she could go out the window too.

"Won't he wonder where you are?"

"Fuck you're right." She clicked her tongue, thinking. Then she moved to her desk and took out a piece of paper and pen and scribbled something down on it before rejoining him at the window.

He complied, moving so she could hop out beside him on the snow. Helping her to close the window afterward, he asked what she had written down.

"Some shit about going to the village for feminine products." She shrugged.

The two of them headed out, avoiding the Lin Kuei lookouts and any lanterns gently swaying in the night breeze. Ember wasn't the best with stealth as proven time and time again and so she followed behind Hanzo, ducking when he did, running when he did, and trying to be as quiet as he was.

He was concerned about whether she'd melt the snow, which would give her away once morning came, but she tried her best to keep her temperature in check.

It wouldn't be long until they reached the helicopter.


The briefing with Sonya was short. She had welcomed Ember, who she was glad had recovered from Shinnok's attack, and instructed them toward a portal leading to Outworld.

"The Special Forces team is already there. They should be at Kotal Kahn's tent." Sonya explained as the three of them briskly walked to the portal. "We need Kotal Kahn's help, so help the team convince him to join us." Once they arrived at the swirling vortex the general turned to them.

"Good luck."

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