Chapter 9: Homesick

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The trip back to the camp was silent, as dead as the man Ember had effortlessly murdered. Johnny sunk in his seat, the information lazily held in his hands with his focus more on the young woman in front of him.

In the long run, Ember had done Sonya and him a favor, as the leader of the Diamond Cult was a thorn in their sides. Not nearly a thorn as some others, like the one in front of him, but an annoying thorn nonetheless.

How many others had she killed like that? He thought. When had burning people become a pastime for her?

He just wasn't sure how he was gonna break the news to his ex wife.


"She what?"

Johnny shifted uncomfortably, the scrutinizing glare of Sonya's eyes boring into his skull. The actor shivered, mention of skulls reminding him of the charred one smashed to bits.

"I said," he repeated, "Ember may have...burned him alive...but the good news is we got the information!"

Sonya's eyes rolled, threatening to return back into her head. "Define burning alive, Cage."

"I'd rather not. Really, the image is burned into my memory almost as much as Ember toasted ol' D."

"For fuck's sake..." She tiredly rubbed her face before shouting for Ember.

The pyromancer took her time, not caring who's time she was wasting, and when she finally came to stand before her she had the audacity to sound bored. "You called?"

The lull in her voice proving what a waste of her time this was. She didn't bother to hide her annoyance, especially not since someone had tampered with her mask.

Johnny saw that Sonya was trying not to explode, which he found strangely funny considering she never restrained herself from yelling at him. "Ember..." Sonya began slowly, "you can't just go killing anyone you want."

Ember rolled her half-dead eyes.

"God, I shouldn't even need to have this conversation with you." Sonya said before Ember raised her hand to stop her.

"Then lets do both of us a favor and not have this conversation." The younger woman haughtily turned her back on the two and began walking to her tent, not wanting to be disturbed.

Johnny was feeling the anger radiate off Sonya and flinched when she barked her orders. "Ember! Go receive a mission report from Sergeant Cage immediately."

Ember stopped, "You have to do as I say, Ember. Now get a move on it." Sonya barked.

The pyromancer did little to hide her irritation but silently and reluctantly left to the intelligence tent to do as she was told. The air around them raising a few degrees in temperature.

"General Blade...Sonya," Johnny began, hesitant of possibly receiving the wrath of his ex wife, "maybe it would be a good idea to not piss Ember off?"

Sonya turned to face her ex husband, the frown etched on her features made Johnny back up.

"Why don't you go mind your own business, Cage." She growled before leaving him to do a helicopter patrol of the area.


A day had passed before Sonya returned from the patrol, taking the time to clear her head of all irritations.

Only to have one of them approach her as soon as she hopped off the helicopter.


"General Blade." Sonya corrected sharply.

"...General Blade, when will my sentence be finished?" Impatience poured from her words.

"Do an inventory check, Ember." Sonya commanded, already growing annoyed. When Ember made no notion to do as she was told, Sonya's frown deepened. "That's an order, Ember."

Still Ember did not move. "No."


"I will not do your stupid inventory check. Do it yourself but I will not degrade myself further." Armored hands fingers curled into a fist.

She was a leader of her own clan, a successful clan. During the time of her leadership of six years she was met with no rebellions and had the complete support of her Feathers. The thought that Sonya could just order her to do so many menial tasks was plain offensive.

"Degrade yourself?!" Sonya looked at the pyromancer incredulously before sighing deeply. "You'll do what you're told, Ember. You'll do what I say, when I say it. Understand?" The older woman growled.

Ember crossed her arms over her chest. "When you forced me to redeem myself I expected to be sent out and do tasks worthy of my attention." She spat back.

Sonya towered over her, her professionalism slowly giving out. "Watch your mouth when speaking to your superiors! You should be grateful I didn't throw your ass into the nearest high-security prison-which I'm really beginning to regret not doing."

"Throwing away your problems and forgetting about them; very original, Sonya."

"Maybe if you didn't have to be such a pain in the ass and thought you were above the law, you would be back to that shit hole you live in."

Ember hissed "Is that how you speak to someone who can burn you and this whole camp to the ground?"

"Is that a threat?"

"Only if you want it to be."

Sonya crossed her arms, making sure Ember knew she was looking down on her. "You could try-sure, but Raiden would come and shock you again. See what happens to you after that."

It grew very warm around them, the heat of course not bothering Ember. Sonya was starting to sweat but she'd be damned if she let Ember know the heat was getting to her.

She shook her head. "When did you turn into such a sadist?"

Ember didn't need to respond. They both knew the answer.

Johnny, not enjoying how fast the area had turned into a sauna, quickly moved between the two angry women and lightly pushed them away from one another.

"C'mon, ladies. Can't we all go back to being friends again? Like the good ol' times?"

The silence that followed was all the answer needed. Silence that was quickly interrupted by the sound of thunder and lighting as Raiden appeared before them.

"What is all the noise about?" Raiden asked, patiently waiting for one of the three to give him an answer. "...and why is it so hot?"

Sonya started to explain the situation when Ember stormed off.

She didn't get very far before Raiden teleported in front of her, causing her to bump into him.

"Ember, you know you have to respect Sonya's authority." The thunder god scolded.

Ember didn't want to be lectured-especially not by him. She really wanted to get away from them, to be alone.

She shoved past him.

Seeing that she was headed towards the forest, Raiden had flashbacks to the last time she was angry and alone in a forest...and burned nearly half of it.

Not wanting to repeat history, he quickly grabbed her arm.

"I want to be alone!" She snapped, ripping her arm out of his grasp and storming off into the forest.

Raiden sighed, hoping this time she wouldn't take her fury out on nature. He was relieved when she changed direction towards her tent instead.

"With all due respect, General," Johnny began, "asking her to do an inventory check is like asking Raiden to vacuum the house." Both Raiden and Sonya looked at the former actor with unamused expressions.

"Or asking Stalin to wash dishes." Johnny continued.

"Shut up, Cage!"

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