Chapter 17: Overstayed Welcome

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Almost a week had passed since Ember was recovering in the Lin Kuei temple. Wearing a charcoal colored gown, as was the first thing she picked from her wardrobe, Ember's skirts swished while she navigated through the temple halls.

After five days, she was comfortable enough with the layout that she didn't need to be escorted everywhere she wanted to go.

Her destination was the gardens, it was where she liked to go when she had to think. Sure, she could've gone anywhere to think, even staying in the comfort of her room, but as of recently she had a lot more to think about and if she was in her bedroom for most of the day her brother would've worried.

She faced a conflict in her heart. On the one hand she enjoyed being at the Lin Kuei and spending time with her brother. On the other hand, she missed her clan. Ember feared for her Feathers' safety since Shinnok was released into the world and an uneasy feeling gnawed at her brain.

Brushing her fingers through a tangle in her hair, Ember continued down toward the gardens. She was too preoccupied on the decision she needed to make to pay attention.

"The Grandmaster's sister," Ember looked up, eyes focusing on the human icicle named Frost. She said nothing in response, simply watching as Frost looked around them both.

Apparently checking to see if Sub-Zero wasn't around, Frost locked icy blue eyes onto Ember's reddish-orange. "So, what's it like being so weak that you can die from the most basic of elements?"

That caught her off guard. "Excuse me?"

"You pyromancers think you're all hot shit. But really, just splash you with a little water and you sizzle."

Ember blinked. Frost was really trying to provoke her, for whatever reason Ember could only guess as trying to get her in trouble with Kuai Liang. Heeding her brother's words, she only smiled.

"And how many pyromancers have you met?" She asked in a sickly friendly tone.

Frost frowned, "Uh...doesn't matter! Anybody knows that pyromancers are all hot heads." To the female cryomancer's surprise, Ember let out a loud laugh.

"You're one to talk about being a hot head." Once she finished laughing, Ember took a step toward her. "The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because for whatever reason my brother finds some worth in you."

Frost took a step back. The key word in that statement was 'yet'.

"Remember, Frosty. Fire melts ice." Ember hissed.

Frost's glare hardened. "Are you threatening me, pyromancer? I'm sure the Grandmaster wouldn't approve."

"I don't need to threaten you. If I wanted to I could burn you to ashes right on the spot-so fast you couldn't even let out a scream." To prove her point, the temperature raised a few degrees, which Frost felt a lot more than she wanted to admit.

"Do you think you're shitty little ice tricks are even comparable to my fire? Ask those I've burned which hurts more-oh wait," Ember grinned so widely, her teeth showed. "You can't! Because they're all dead."

Her laugh was that of a sadist, Frost began to realize she was dealing with someone who's taken the lives of much more than she had, and appeared to revel in the fact.

"Now leave."

Frost backed away cautiously, feeling dizzy from the rising heat.

"If you try to tell my brother that I attacked you. I'll tell him the truth...and we both know who he's gonna believe."

Frost growled, humiliated, but turned around and left.


The rest of the day passed with no incident. Frost stayed clear from Ember, which suited her just fine and she spent the rest of the day reflecting on what she should do. Even with all the time reflecting, Ember was still troubled.

She wasn't very hungry and after eating as little dinner as possible without raising suspicion, Ember asked to be excused to retire for the night. Kuai Liang allowed her to return to her room, wishing her a goodnight to which she reciprocated.

It was perhaps an hour or two later, just as Sub-Zero himself was prepared to go to sleep, when a messenger came to him. The Lin Kuei handed the letter with a bow. "It is from Special Forces, Grandmaster." Then the messenger was dismissed.

Alone with the letter, Kuai Liang opened it, a frown settled on his features. It was from General Sonya Blade, informing him that she requests Ember to be returned for a mission in Outworld. The general assured him that he didn't need to write back, she would be sending someone to retrieve Ember in a couple of days.

He sighed, it didn't seem like he had enough time with her yet again.

The last time he handed Ember over to Sonya and Johnny she had gotten into a fight with an elder god, what would happen this time?

Sub-Zero knew it was selfish, what he was about to do, but what Ember didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

The Grandmaster ripped the letter to shreds before tossing the pieces into the closest fire. He called for one of his Lin Kuei.

"Yes, Grandmaster?"

"In two days, I want more guards surrounding the perimeter of the temple. Anyone not Lin Kuei will be brought to me. Do not let anyone in or out without my permission."

"Even Grandmaster Hasashi?"

He pondered on it. As far as he knew, Hanzo would be the best option for Sonya to send. He knew where the temple was.

"Especially the Grandmaster."

"Of course, Grandmaster. Preparations will be made."

With a nod, Sub-Zero went to his room. Defying Sonya's orders would have consequences, but he was ready to deal with those when the time came.

'What Ember doesn't know, won't hurt her.' The cryomancer repeated to himself.

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