Chapter 16: The Way of the Lin Kuei

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The next morning, Hanzo had left early in another helicopter sent to retrieve him. Before leaving, he had muttered something about the helicopter not crashing this time, and hopped aboard to be taken back to the Shirai Ryu.

Ember had taken her time waking up, enjoying a soft bed, and when she finally did rise she took her time getting ready as well.

When she did leave her room, she wore a flowing long blue dress, seeing as blue was the main color she thought she should blend in-or try to. A servant escorted her to the dining room where she was served breakfast. The long sleeves that covered her hands got in the way but for the most part she managed without dirtying the garment.

"Grandmaster approaches." One of the servants said before all that were present bowed respectfully. Kuai Liang walked in and Ember stood from her seat, putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Good morning, Ember. Did you sleep well?"

Ember nodded, "Yes, I did." While she was happy to see her brother, there were some reservations about how her conduct should be.

Maybe in a different time she would've followed him around like a lost puppy, but that was inappropriate at her age and circumstance. Since this was his temple, she would let him show her what would be allowed.

The cryomancer offered his arm to her and the two started walking down the stone hallways. Her initial plan to blend in by matching the color scheme was thrown out the window by the various looks she was given.

Some of the assassins looked on with innocent curiosity-others not so innocent. Ember ignored them but she was sure Kuai Liang noticed.

"What happened to your face?" Her brother abruptly asked. Her shoulders stiffened.

"It was from when Shinnok attacked." She lied, hoping what tricked Hanzo would trick her brother.

Sub-Zero's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the marks on her face. Then his eyebrows furrowed. "You tried to attack an elder god?"

"He was going to take Johnny, what else was I supposed to do?" She defended.

Kuai Liang hummed quietly to himself. Scolding Ember was almost a natural instinct at this point-but one that proved no results. She would do whatever she wanted, no matter how many times anyone yelled at her-or that's how he remembered his sister to be.

He responded only with a half convinced grunt, his mind wandering as they continued to stroll through the halls.

At first, Kuai Liang believed Ember's story about gaining those cuts from messing with Shinnok, but the more he thought on it the less it made sense. She had been hesitant to show her face far prior to the altercation.

Instead of inquiring of his suspicions, Sub-Zero informed her that he had to train his Lin Kuei. "Would it be alright if I watch?" Ember had asked to which he replied with a warmed smile.

Once at the training grounds, Sub-Zero noticed his Lin Kuei weren't as focused on their training. Ember sat on a stone bench on the sidelines, being respectfully quiet so as not to interrupt to distract but unfortunately her presence was distraction enough for many.

With a raised eyebrow, Kuai Liang watched as a few of the trainees weren't even doing anything, hardly hitting each other, as they spent more energy in being horribly bad at sneaking glances of his sister.

He had a feeling that they weren't looking at her with innocent curiosity.

For this reason, he couldn't help but be tougher on the trainees. The Grandmaster pointed out their flaws more often, sparred harder, and had to sweep multiple students off their feet to get them to focus.

Ember was both amused and slightly embarrassed by the attention she was receiving, but mostly amused as her brother struggled to keep his students' attention.

On trainee, for whatever reason thinking the Grandmaster couldn't see him, had strutted toward her like a glorified peacock.

He tried to make it seem like he was nonchalantly walking in her vicinity and just happened to be next to her, Ember tried so hard not to burst out laughing.

"Real beautiful day, isn't it?" He asked, standing tall and proud. The confidence he was forcing to exude was excessive. Somewhat like Johnny.

Ember nodded.

"Yep, real nice day to go train." He continued, stretching in ways that were meant to accentuate his muscles. "You like what you see?" The young man grinned, his eyes clearly sending subliminal messages to take things to a secluded place.

Much to her surprise, Ember's face flushed red. From what she could see, he was an attractive man, but it could've also been from her restraining her laughter. She let out a nervous giggle that he took as a sign to advance.

"Ice is cool and all-no pun intended, but I personally prefer fire. Fire generates heat and..." he paused to give her a cheeky grin, "normally the hotter things are, the less clothes are needed."

"Fire can also burn if you're not careful." She replied, a grin of her own growing.

Ember could've sworn in her peripheral sight she caught his black pants tenting but she decided not to bring attention to that.

They must not see women that often.

"Yes, my lady, it can. Fortunately I like to play with fire-"


The sudden intrusion startled the poor young man and his face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Spar with me." Sub-Zero ordered, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes not bothering to conceal the disapproval for the student.

Ivan quickly turned from Ember, face burning from being caught by the Grandmaster. He had a little trouble walking over to the sparring area, as Ember's suspicion had proven true.

Poor Ivan looked horrified, desperately hoping Sub-Zero didn't notice what was happening below the waistline.

The young Lin Kuei looked back at Ember, his playful grin replaced with a sheepish one. Ember half-expected him to shout 'call me' but remembered this wasn't the city.

"Ivan!" Sub-Zero repeated. Ivan turned away and returned to his Grandmaster.

Sub-Zero did not give him an easy time.

Out of the day's training session, that was the most memorable event. Once it was finished and the trainees took their sweet time leaving the training grounds, Sub-Zero escorted Ember back toward her room. He needed to get cleaned of the sweat and dirt from training before sitting down to dinner, and he expected Ember might want to stay in her room for the time being.

"Do you usually struggle to keep your students' attention?" Ember asked playfully as they walked side by side.

"I can't say that's usually the case." He answered, not very amused by their behavior today.

"I doubt they see a lot of women here. I mean, other than Frostbite and some of the servants."

Sub-Zero sighed. "Speaking of Frost. I don't expect you two to be friends, especially the first impressions you both made-"

"She attacked Hanzo, not to mention she called me his 'personal help'. She deserved a few burns." Ember huffed, frowning at the very thought that someone could think she was his anything.

"I'm not defending her, Ember. All I ask is that you are civil toward her. Don't attack her if you see that it's just the two of you."

Ember groaned. "Fine. I won't hurt your precious prodigy..." she took a few steps faster, " long as she doesn't provoke me, first." She smirked over her shoulder.

Knowing that almost anything said in the wrong tone could provoke his sister, Sub-Zero sighed. "Ember, you cant-" but she had rushed off toward her room, leaving him in the hallway.

"I'll see you at the dining hall!" She shouted back, making sure he believed she was out of earshot.

The cryomancer rubbed his temples together and closed his eyes for a brief moment. It would be easier to try to scare Frost into being so terrified of Ember that she would avoid the pyromancer as much as possible.

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