Chapter 2 - A Visit to Ithilien

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The beating of hooves echoed throughout the hills of forests of Emyn Arnen, carried on the breeze and made to sound as if they came from everywhere and nowhere. Three horses and their riders wove between the groves of birch trees, giving chase hot on the heels of a wild boar in the underbrush. The three hunters had been tracking their quarry for near on an hour, and now the game was up. The swine had at last caught their scent and run squealing away, freeing up its pursuers to abandon all pretense of stealth and ride openly after it.

Eldarion's horse Greyhame leapt over a fallen log, needing almost no urging from the prince to make the jump. Greyhame loved the thrill of the chase just as much as any youth of any species. His black mane rippling, the young gelding turned quick as a thought at just the lightest touch of Eldarion's knee. Eldarion had spotted the flock of starlings which had been disturbed from the thicket up ahead. No doubt their quarry was not far ahead now.

A cream-yellow horse darted around the trees on Eldarion's right, and he grinned. Typical of Elboron to hang back until the final charge, and then to surge ahead at the last minute. Elboron's father Faramir was not far behind, his aged chestnut horse Áre valiantly trying to keep pace with Eldarion and Elboron's much younger mounts. Elboron flashed Eldarion a brief, bright smile before urging his mare Baneth on through the thicket. Sensing a challenge, Greyhame gave chase with such enthusiasm that only Eldarion's quick reflexes saved him from getting slapped in the face by a twig.

Bringing Greyhame up alongside Baneth, Eldarion at last caught sight of the boar up ahead. It was a reasonably sized creature, large enough to leave quite the trail behind it as it pelted through the undergrowth. Even from a distance Eldarion could see the sweat glistening on the animal's hindquarters.

"Elboron, spear!"

Eldarion held out an open hand and without looking felt the heavy smack of a wooden shaft against his palm. They had done this so many times now that it beyond practice and more instinct. With his own spear in hand Elboron made as he always did to break off to one side and block the boar from swerving. Eldarion would likewise veer left, with Faramir coming up the middle between the two boys. Between the three of them this hunt would soon be over.

Then there was a sudden flash of white up ahead, followed by a surprised squeal that was abruptly silenced. Pulling up hard and fast on the reins Eldarion and Elboron barely managed to stop their horses short.

"Mother!" Elboron exclaimed, half exasperated and half impressed. "Was that really necessary?"

Sitting astride her tall white stallion SnowFire, the lady Éowyn casually leaned over and pulled her red-handled spear out of the dead boar.

"If you wished to make the kill yourself, you should have ended the hunt sooner before the poor beast ran straight to me." The White Lady of Ithilien tossed her long waves of golden hair with a pleased smile.

"And you just happened to be in the right place at the right time, is that it?"

Faramir had caught up to them, and raised an eyebrow knowingly at Éowyn. The Steward's light brown hair was touched at the temples by silver, as was his wife's. Unlike Faramir though Éowyn's fair tresses were light enough to mask the telltale signs that the two of them were not as young as they once were. The light of excitement shining in Éowyn's eyes made her seem a young Shield Maiden even still. When she shrugged innocently Faramir chuckled and Elboron gave a good-natured groan. Elboron had inherited his mother's golden hair and dimpled chin, along with his father's gentle blue eyes.

"Well, it seems that the hunt is over then." Faramir kissed Éowyn on the cheek. "Another clean strike, my love." Dismounting and tossing his long grey cloak over one shoulder, Faramir waved Elboron and Eldarion down off of their horses. "Come Elboron, Eldarion, help me get tonight's dinner trussed up for the ride back. No doubt your sister will be wondering what is taking us so long."

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