Chapter 40 - A Prince for a Princess

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All of Minas Tirith was in an uproar. Dawn was still many hours away, and yet every lantern burned in every window. All of the city guard both on and off-duty had been called up, and it fell to Eldarion to organize them in their search for Almárëa. Even as Eldarion tasked Ohtar with leading the search of the Sixth Circle though, his mind was already racing ahead, down to the Fifth Circle, the Sages' Tier.

He had left his family in a state of barely contained terror. Aragorn was personally leading the thorough search of the Citadel and all it contained, building by building and room by room. Even the Houses of the Dead were to be scoured, the hallowed vaults of kings and queens long past opened wide to searching torchlight. The naked fear on his mother's face just about broke Eldarion's heart to recall. For Almárëa to be taken from her bed in the House of the Kings struck at the very heart of not only their family, but the throne of Gondor itself. That any soul living in the White City would wish ill upon the house of Telcontar defied belief, especially after all they had come through together since the War of the Ring. Eldarion could only pray to the Valar that the hunch which drove him to lead the search of the Sages' Tier was correct.

As soon as they were through the Gate of Stars, Eldarion called Malbeth to him and pointed him toward the Houses of Lore.

"Malbeth, take your men and comb the western side of the Circle. I will lead the rest in a sweep of the east. We meet back here at the gate in an hour, and from there join with Ohtar to continue down to the Fourth Circle."

Malbeth hesitated. "Forgive me, Captain, but did your father not order that no member of the royal house was to go anywhere unattended until Princess Almárëa is safely found?"

Aragorn had indeed given such orders, and Eldarion had also been told as much just before he left the Citadel. It was not lost upon Eldarion the magnitude of risk which he intended to take. Greater still though did he judge the risk to Almárëa if he was unable to find the one whom he sought. And so Eldarion felt only a moment's doubt before turning a forceful stare on Malbeth.

"I have my own men, Malbeth, and you have your orders. You do no good in delaying the search for my sister by arguing the specifics of my father's words. Now do as I bid you and go."

Torn between indirectly disobeying the king and directly disobeying the prince, poor Malbeth could only submit to his captain's command. With a quick salute and a nod, Malbeth turned on his heel and directed his men to fan out and begin a search of every building along the western streets. Eldarion watched Malbeth go regretfully; it had not been his wish to be harsh, but every second lost might bring harm to Almárëa.

Quickly disbursing his own guards along the various avenues and courtyards throughout the eastern tier, Eldarion made a point of claiming the Old Archives for himself. Thus it was that, when he strode into the courtyard where Gandalf's statue stood watch, he was alone. The voices of soldiers conducting their search could still be heard nearby, as could the brief glow of torches be seen down the side streets. Eldarion set his own torch aside and removed his helmet, the better for his face to be visible.

"...Rhoss?" He called out tentatively. There was only silence and shadows in reply, and so Eldarion tried again, louder this time. "Rhoss?"

If the stranger who had spoken to him once before after the Eye was found did not reveal himself, then Eldarion did not know what to do. Who else in all the city could possibly know what had happened to Almárëa, if not the one who claimed to know who was behind the desecration of Gandalf's statue? It was entirely likely that Rhoss may have been involved in the incident, may even now be involved in Almárëa's kidnapping. This uncertainty made any dealings to be had with the man dangerous to say the least. That he had not only spoken to Eldarion, but also dared to show him his face in public gave Eldarion the tiniest glimmer of hope that perhaps Rhoss might yet lead him to his youngest sister. That was why he had dared to come alone, despite the risk. Without a doubt Rhoss would not show himself otherwise.

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