Bonus Chapter: Seeds Q&A

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Hello beloved Seedlings!
Because I'm being a snail about releasing the next chapter, I thought now might be a good time to do something fun...such as a panel-style interview with the characters of SotWT!
This Q&A will remain open indefinitely, so if you have a question that you'd like to ask our beloved Middle-Earthians, feel free to comment on this chapter with it. Who knows? One or more characters might just might answer. 😉


v3Olympus asks; "Túrien, why Sufyan? And Eruthiawen? Who will it be (Elboron or Prince Hakon)?"

Eruthiawen: "A lady never reveals her secrets. Túrien, I believe half of this question is for you?"

Almárëa: "Yes Túrien, why Sufyan!?"

Túrien: *rolls eyes* "So like you to be evasive, Eruthia. Why did I marry Sufyan, the son of a Haradrim ramyah, when any number of Gondorian lords and ladies would have  leapt at the chance to betroth me to their sons? Well, to be honest, in the end it all came down to his strapping eastern looks."

Sufyan: *laughing* "Was that all, hezkirî?"

Túrien: "Hmm...perhaps not. Your upbringing in a largely matriarchal society, your easy way with the Mûmakil, and your charming sense of humour may have all helped to play a part too. Just a small part though."

Sufyan: "I love you too, hezkirî."

Eldarion: "You two and your love-talk are thoroughly revolting. Honestly."


16hawk asks: "Túrien, what's your favourite part of life in Harad?"

Éowyn: "Now this I want to hear, since I've not yet had the chance to visit Harad. Soon though, I hope!"

Elphir: "It's hot, dry, and full of spicy food. Does that sate your curiosity for now, Lady Éowyn?"

Éowyn: "Not nearly, but thank you for that...succinct description, Lord Elphir."

Túrien: *exaggerated throat clearing* "A-hem? Right then, this is a difficult question! Some parts of moving to Harmindon have been wonderful, such as learning the tribal politics from Sawda, getting to know more of the city, and eating the spicy food." *raises eyebrow at Elphir* Some things have also been difficult though, such as being so far away from my family. I particularly miss Almárëa coming to whisper with me under the covers at night..."

Arwen: "We miss you too, iel-nin, dearly so. I know that Sawda, Na-Man, and Sufyan have been doing everything in their power to make you feel welcome. We are always ever only a raven's flight away though."

Sawda: *nods to Arwen* "Your daughter is my daughter, Queen of the White City. She does have quite the talent for finding excitement I've noticed."

Aragorn: *long-suffering sigh* "That she most certainly does..."


v3Olympus asks: "Aragorn, who are your suspects?"

Aragorn: "I presume by this question, you mean whom do I suspect was responsible for the desecration of Gandalf's statue in the Sages' Tier? That I do not know...yet. My hope is that it was bored miscreants with a poor understanding of the meaning behind that symbol, and nothing more. Somehow though my heart whispers that it is not so simple."

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