Chapter 10 - A Breath of Autumn

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It was Almárëa who first spotted the banners of the army, tiny flecks of black and green on the distant east horizon, even before the tower guards. Her skirts billowing about her skinny knees, the little princess jumped down from her perch at the Citadel wall, crying out for all to hear.

"They're back, they're back! Adar and Eldarion are home!"

Almárëa's calls brought Arwen and Eruthiawen rushing out from the Tower of Ecthelion and Éowyn and Túrien from somewhere in the Second Circle of the city. Faramir was not far behind, along with the nobility of the White City. Soon the call was taken up by others throughout Minas Tirith, and all dropped whatever they were doing to fill the streets. An air of great gladness and also great anticipation hung heavy in the air like a summer fog, even though the day was bright and sunny. Very soon the fates of many would be revealed to their eagerly waiting loved ones.

Her doe-like eyes wide with delight, Almárëa ran to Arwen's side.

"Naneth, Naneth, can you see them?! Just there, beyond the north watchtower of Osgiliath?"

The queen smiled, taking her youngest daughter's hand and squeezing it. Arwen was the picture of queenly poise, the crown upon her raven-black hair shining like the moon in the vaulted night sky. When she saw for herself the growing wave of soldiers approaching from the east, her eyes lit up no less brightly than Almárëa's.

Túrien and Eruthiawen came to join Arwen and Almárëa at the parapet. Túrien was clad roughly in a fitted jerkin and leggings, setting her in sharp contrast to Eruthiawen's robin's egg blue gown. The two were undoubtedly sisters in their mirroring, eager postures as they leaned toward the horizon.

"We should probably wait to greet Adar and the others when they reach the Citadel." Eruthiawen said, her voice trailing off somewhat as her clear grey eyes feasted on the sight of the army.

"Aye, we should..." Faramir, lord of all things decorum said, sounding likewise unconvinced. He and Éowyn exchanged a look.

"Fie on waiting!" Túrien cried, whirling around on her boot-shod heel. "I'm going down to the gates!"

"Wait for me, I'm coming too!" Almárëa dropped Arwen's hand and took off after Túrien, a spring in her light step.

"Naneth...?" Pausing, Eruthiawen looked to Arwen. The eldest princess already had her gown hitched up in her hands, ready to give chase to her sisters.

A slow, playful smile tugged at Arwen's cheeks. Éowyn was already on the move. "I will race you down there, iel-nin." The queen of Gondor declared.


When the gates of Minas Tirith fell open before them, Eldarion could no longer contain the smile of relief which had been waiting to surface ever since they first saw the White City. They had been gone only a matter of weeks, and yet this felt like a long awaited homecoming. With Aragorn and Éomer leading the way, the lords of the west rode into the main city square.

People were everyone; on balconies, crowded in the streets, shouting from their windows. Conflict with the East had been too long enduring, and it seemed that a great weight was now lifted from the shoulders of all folk. The banners of Gondor and Rohan fell slack as they lost the wind beyond the city walls. The lords of Gondor had returned, and at last the swords could be sheathed once more.

With a kingly smile of greeting for his people, Aragorn lifted his clenched hand to the sky in a gesture of victory. This announced their win over the men of the East better than any speech could have. Instantly a cheer went up from all around, sure to spread throughout the entire city. There would be great celebration in Minas Tirith that night.

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