Chapter 21 - The Harvest Tournament (Part 2)

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Almost instantly informal alliances cleaved together, with little clusters of three, four, and five knights fighting in protective formations. Unsurprisingly Eldarion, Elboron, and Elfwine all fought back-to-back, each protecting the other two's weak spots and being defended from both sides in return. All bets were off in tournament, all stations forgotten, and soldiers of both Rohan and Gondor alike were only too happy to try their hand at getting a knock in on the sons of their royal houses. The men of Dale stood allied against their southern competitors though, and the seven of them made a small yet mighty force. Prince Hakon didn't seem interested in letting his men protect him from early attack. If anything he protected the other Dalishmen, the broad swings of his sword knocking opponents back and forcing them to find a different approach lest they take a disqualifying rap on the head or chest.

Officials of the Lists prowled the perimeter of the field, their horseback vantage-points allowing them to spot all hits scored and ensure that the vanquished retired gracefully. When Haleth of Rohan tricked Bergil of Ithilien into turning straight into the path of a swinging mace, two officials even had to wade in to the press to help the dazed Bergil stumble off to one side.

"This ought to be interesting," Túrien commented to Almárëa. "If things whittle down far enough, Eldarion, Elboron and Elfwine will have to turn on each other and fight for the title."

Almárëa took a moment to scream with excitement at the latest elimination before answering. "If that is the case, then I hope Elboron wins."

"What, so fickle?! And after Elfwine just asked to wear your favour only minutes ago?"

Almárëa nodded resolutely. "Elboron wants to win a title very badly this year. Would you like to know why?"

There was something conspiratorial in the way that Almárëa was grinning, lips stained red with apple syrup, that piqued Túrien's interest.

"Alright, why is that?"

Almárëa's gaze slid to the front-most corner of the royal box. Eruthiawen was sitting there, ready and waiting to descend a short flight of steps to the platform where the victors would claim their circlet of gold and a kiss. Eruthiawen was looking her best in gold-embroidered cream silk, her coppery hair elegantly half-woven into a glittering diadem with the remainder left to cascade down her back in a shower of burnished waves. Pretty, perfect Eruthiawen, ever the picture of a princess even when she wasn't trying to be. And today, it seemed to Túrien, she was trying very hard. The set of Eruthiawen's shoulders was unerringly straight, and she sat with her hands folded primly in her lap. It occurred to Túrien that her elder sister looked just a bit nervous; not something that one often saw from Eruthiawen. Her grey eyes were fixed on the melee, following every move of the combatants with intense interest.

"Eruthiawen? Why would that make a difference to Elbor-oooooh."

Lord Elphir taking on both Fulthain and Fasthelm at once captured everyone in the royal box's attention, but Túrien was still digesting Almárëa's bit of gossip when the two Rohirrim were helped off the field. Elboron was practically their brother in all but blood, and as far as Túrien knew Eruthiawen had never treated the steward's son any differently than she would Eldarion...or hadn't she? Túrien suddenly found herself almost more interested in watching Eruthiawen react to the melee than watching the melee itself. Eruthiawen sat as prettily as ever though, cheering with the rest of them when Elfwine dispatched one and then two of Prince Hakon's men.

The melee began to whittle down to only the best contenders, and before long only Elphir, Haleth, Eldarion, Hakon, one of Hakon's men, and Elfwine remained. Elboron had been removed by a well-placed blow to the breastplate from Hakon while Eldarion's back was turned. Elboron now sat on the low benches ringing the field with the other disqualified knights, and Túrien was beginning to think that perhaps Almárëa was mistaken. Eruthiawen had applauded sympathetically along with Faramir and Éowyn at their son's removal, and Elboron seemed perfectly happy to cheer on Eldarion and Elfwine from the sidelines. Eldarion had his hands full though. Elphir and Hakon seemed to have ear-marked Eldarion specifically, and the two older men kept Eldarion constantly on the defensive. Elfwine meanwhile was being similarly targeted by Haleth, who had just succeeded in defeating Hakon's knight with a smart rap about the helm.

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