|| F I V E ||

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(No proof read)

Shivaay walked in the hospital, carrying Annika in his arms while Omkara followed him inside and called for a stretcher. Shivaay carefully made her sleep there saying, "Call the doctor immediately..!"

"Sir, it's an accident case, we can't admit her until police comes." The nurse said politely.

"What do you mean, you can't.. Do you know who am I..?! I can buy ten such hospitals." He yelled on the nurse. "If you won't admit her right here, I will call the media and will dishonor this hospital in such way. I will make sure this hospital will be closed forever." Shivaay warned to the management when a doctor came to them asking, "What's wrong there.?!" Seeing Shivaay, the doctor recognized him. "Mr Oberoi you..?"

"Doctor, please check my wife.. She met with an accident." Shivaay said worried while Omkara chuckled mentally as Shivaay called her ' His Wife '

"Don't worry Mr Oberoi.. We'll treat her immediately." The doctor assured him and looked at the nurse saying, "Prepare the ICU immediately."

They proceeded with Annika and entered in the ICU while Shivaay and Omkara left alone outside the room. Omkara looked at Shivaay who was nervously pacing around. "Shivaay, relax.. Nothing will happen with her." Shivaay nodded. "You stay here. I make a call to Rudra and will inform him." Saying this Omkara left from there.

Shivaay was pacing restlessly and every now and then walked towards the cabin and checked her through the glass window. "I am here, nothing will happen with you." He murmured but in next moment, he realized what he said..! Again confusion took over his mind but he decided to ignore it. He reminisced their childhood days, when Annika used to cry whenever she saw him getting hurt or injured and when asking her reason, she used to reply him, "It's hurt me more when I see you in pain." His lips curled in a smile thinking about her reply but immediately his smile fade away as he remembered about his harsh behaviour, he tightened his fist in his guilt just when he heard someone calling him.

Shivaay turned and saw a nurse standing there with a form, "Sir..?! Can you help me to fill the details of that patient." He nodded. "Name..?"


"Sir full name?"

Shivaay looked at Annika through the glass window and reminisced his unwanted marriage. Waited for few seconds, the nurse called him again when he replied, "Annika.. Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi." He didn't feel any hesitation while adding his name with her.

"Your relationship with her..?!"

"Husband." His lips twitched in a smile.

"Sir, please sign on the paper." Nodding to her, he signed on the paper and the nurse left. This whole scene was witnessed by Omkara and who was giving a victorious smile to himself.

Around half an hour later, doctor came out from the cabin and Shivaay immediately hurried to him, "Doctor, how's she?!"

"Mr Oberoi.. Don't worry. She's out of danger. But as she had excessive blood lose, so she felt suffocation during our treatment, so we gave her oxygen and kept her in observation for next two hours. After that we can give you a proper result." Explaining about her condition, the doc left when Omkara came forward to him saying, "Shivaay, you can go home. I am staying the night here."

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