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"Oh God.. I am too late today.." Annika rushed inside the Khurana office while watching her watch. "Om must have reached.. Since yesterday, I couldn't even contact with him." Murmuring, Annika walked inside, after greeting with the receptionist, she headed towards the conference room.

"I am sorry sir.. I am.." But she paused as her eyes fall on Shivaay who was sitting there with a smile on his face.

"It's okay Mrs Oberoi, please have a sit."

Giving him a smile, Annika walked to Shivaay and sits beside him. She was confused by his presence. "What is he doing here?" She wondered.

"Don't talk with yourself Annika, I will answer you later." He whispered in her ear while leaning on her slightly.

Feeling him so close to her, Annika's heart beats fast. She composed herself saying, "Can we start the meeting?"

Shivaay leaned back on the chair when few of employees attend the conference meeting. At the end, a lady walked in when Shivaay noticed her for a long time, even the lady also noticed Shivaay. Annika noticed there eye contact and gets furious, "Ahem.. Ahem.." She cleared her throat to get Shivaay's attention.

He moved his gaze on her when she asked, "Why do you come here?"

"To attend the conference."

"Then concentrate there." She said eyeing at the Managing director of the company, Shivaay chuckled seeing her possessive.

"Your presentation is fabulous.. And we are looking forward to work with your company Mr Oberoi." The MD of that company praised after Annika represent the presentation.

"Sure Mr Khurana.. " Shivaay proudly smiled.

"We will finalise the legal documents after two days as we need to prepare the documents. Till then my daughter..." Mr Khurana pointed at the lady, "You can discuss the project with her.. She is supervising this project."

"Sure Mr.Khurana." Shivaay smiled after shaking hands with him. "... And yeah..! Today my daughter's birthday and we have a tonight at our place, I will be happy if you come with your wife Mr Oberoi." Mr Khurana invited them.

"Pleasure is all mine." Shivaay smiled.

Once the conference gets over, Shivaay was going to headed out from the room along with Annika when the girl called him. Shivaay stopped.

"Aren't you remember me..?" The lady asked smiling at him but Shivaay stood there clueless.

"Cambridge University.. 2010 batch.."

"Tia.. Tia Khurana.. Right?" He asked remembering her.


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