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Shivaay walked in the kitchen and received a plate from the shelve and prepared the plate when he saw Pinky walked in asking, "Oh my mata Shivaay.. If you're hungry then you could have ask me, I'll serve you the dinner."

"Oh.. It's.. Not for me..!" Shivaay replied while taking bowls from the shelve. "It's for Annika. She should have the dinner early. You know..! It's good for health."

"Oh my mata.." She caressed his cheek saying, "I never knew my Shivaay is so caring for his wife. Your dad should learn something from you." She pouted.

"Mom..!" Shivaay gave a look to his mother as he don't like when his mother behaves dramatically.

"Okay.. Okay sorry.. I know you don't liked it when I bad mouth about your father." Pinky chuckled. Nodding his head, Shivaay left the kitchen immediately.

Holding the dinner tray in his hand, Shivaay walked in his room and saw Annika was reading a novel book. She had her glasses on her eyes - for a moment, he just stared at her, she was looking so pure, so innocent, Shivaay couldn't prevent himself from gazing at her. Feeling someone's presence, Annika looked up and saw Shivaay who just composed himself seeing her movement.

"Oh..! Shivaay you..." She immediately removed the glass.

"Damn..! She was looking so cute with those glasses.." Shivaay self thought while admiring her.

"Shivaay?" Annika again called him.

"Yeah..!" Erasing his own thoughts from his mind, Shivaay walked in replying, "Mom send your dinner."

"Mom..?!" She suspiciously looked at him when Shivaay turned away saying, "Yeah mom.. She told me, you have medicines to take after your dinner, so.."

"Oh.. I see.. Mom was with me before a while, she didn't tell me anything." She replied with grin as she understood it was actually Shivaay himself who brought it for her.

"Woh.. Umm.." He was just trying to clarify her but nothing came in his mind to cover up the topic when he heard Annika saying, "It's okay.. I don't need an explanation, in fact I am feeling hungry."

Shivaay smiled at her and placed the tray next to her when he noticed her hand was injured and wrapped by the bandage. "Oh.. You can't eat alone. Let me help you." As he said, Annika looked at him amazed - she never ever thought in her dreams this would come from him.

"Have..!" Annika came back from her trance and saw Shivaay holding the morsel near to her mouth, she happily had her dinner. After that Shivaay was going to leave when he saw her getting down from the bed.

"Hey, where are you going..?!" He stopped her while facing her.

"I.. I was just going to sleep in another.." She replied with hesitation as somewhere she had a deep feeling that he wouldn't like her going to another room.

Annika looked up at him and saw him standing silent, she walked past to him when Shivaay said, "I didn't tell you to leave."

Annika's lips made a curve but she maintained her normal look and turned at Shivaay who just faced her saying, "You aren't going anywhere Annika." He placed the tray on the table and walked to her. "I told you before to stay in this room but your ethics didn't allow you and so you slept near the pool side and I didn't told you anything but today I won't let you go anywhere, at least not in this condition. And this time you have to listen to me. Did you get me?!" Like a obedient student, she accepted his proposal. Shivaay helped her to reach up to the bed and made her sleep. "Sleep.. Good night."

ShiVika SS || Love Me Like I Do || Season 01  || Complete - ɪ ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now