|| F I F T E E N || Final

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Annika reached to the airport and seaarched for Shivaay everywhere but she didn't find him anywhere. She went to the inquiry section and asked for the flight which is going UK. "Sorry ma'am.. Flight has departed few minutes before."

"What..?" She was shocked. "No, no.. This can't happen. You might be mistaken. Please do check once." She couldn't believe in her ears.

"No, ma'am, I am sure."

Getting this news, her heart broke. "I.. I couldn't stop him." She cried and left from there.

With broken heart, hopelessly she was walking out from the airport when she figured out a familiar person. She cleared her vision to get the proper view and seeing him from behind, she easily recognized him. "Shivaay." Only this name escaped from her mouth.

She ran to him and made him face her, she relived seeing him, without wasting time, she throws herself in his arms while crying. Shivaay stood there confused. "Annika..? What happened.. Why are you crying? Is.. Is everything okay at home?"

She parted from him and get enraged. "How dare you Shivaay?" She pulled him by his collar while he was looking at her confused. "How dare you to leave me? What did you say.. That you love me.. Right? Then how could you leave your love?"

"This is what you wants, isn't?" He politely said.

"Oh really.. From when did you start taking me so serious haan? From the starting you did everything as per your wish. You.." She again pulled him by his collar, "You never understood, that my happiness is with you. I always wanted to be with you. Why don't you understand this?"

"But that divorce..?" He asked.

"I was hurt Shivaay. I thought, you and Tanya, that's why you wanted to return to UK.. That morning, I found confirmation message in your phone. I thought you still couldn't love me and that's why I decided.. But now I realized my mistake."

"Oh my God, Annika.. You thought I and Tanya.." He was shocked.

"What would I do? The situation was.."

"You could have ask me, Annika." He stated.

"I am sorry." She apologized. "I have realized my mistakes and I promise I will not doubt you." She promised, but Shivaay was hurt and not in mood to melt so easily, he turned to leave when Annika said, "Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.." He turned and saw her on her knees. "I know, I am stupid, idiot.. That I didn't realize your love.. When you expressed your feelings, I hurt you but this is true that I suffered with you, I was equally hurt.. When Omkara said that you left for UK, my world stops there.. It felt like a part of my is going away from me. Shivaay, I know we both had done mistakes in our past but can't we forget those mistakes and starts our new life where misunderstanding, doubts and distance will not be present.. Only love will be present. I want to live my dreams with you Shivaay. I LOVE YOU." As she proposed him, he couldn't resist himself and adored her lovingly, he never imagined her to do this publicly.

Shivaay made her stand, "If you wouldn't drink that spiked drink that night then we don't need to stand here today. I would have expressed my feelings to you that day. But never mind.. One good thing happened, that my wife proposed me, going on her knees." He said with a laugh.

ShiVika SS || Love Me Like I Do || Season 01  || Complete - ɪ ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now