💀 Goddess 💀

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He had learned throughout the days, that Thalia was a priestess here at the palace, that her family had no choice, but to stay here.

She'd also told him, that he would need to hold on to his courage and strength when the time came this would mean life or death.

The air in the temple felt hummed, almost stultifying to Kane after the soldiers closed the large wooden doors behind him.

As Kane stood there, he could hear the crackling of the fire-torches that lined the massive temple stone walls leading up towards the throne area.
The throne and the walls had carvings of the lioness goddess, Sekhmet on them.

He began to walk slowly towards the throne, he kept his ears and eyes open for any dangers that awaited him.

He knew all too well how sneaky the Sirkhu's soldiers were, and if he was going to die tonight, then he wasn't going to let them ambush him first.

When Kane reached closer to the throne, he began to hear lite food-steeps coming from behind him, he spun himself around taking a fighting position readying himself for a fight, but there was nobody there.

He had fought in many battles in his lifetime but he'd never felt this uneasy before. The atmosphere in the temple was heavy, almost Erie, like death himself was waiting on him.

He then heard the footsteps again and spun himself around in the direction of the throne, noticing the beautiful woman sitting there on it now.

She wore a golden-robe and the crown that sat on top of her head was a lions head. Her skin was the most beautiful color of bronze he'd had ever seen before.

"Come to me," She spoke with a powerful voice. Kane found himself walking towards her against his will, 'What kind of black magic is this?' He thought.  

"NO!"  He said,  She appears in front of him as fast and fierce as a thunderstorm, he then felt his back hit against the hard stone wall, knocking the air out of him.

As she held him up against the wall, she pushes her body closer to his, clamping down tighter onto his throat, "So Brave," She purrs out. Her nose began to sniffs at his throat, lingering there for a moment before her tongue came out and lick his throat, trilling her tongue up to his ear.

"Things...I could do to you," She purred out seductively to him, gliding her free hand around his body.

"If you're going to kill me, then do it now! I will not play your child's games with you!"  He said struggling to breathe against her tight grip. Her hand left from around his throat, freeing him to fall down to the stone floor.

He'd began to gasp for air, then coughed. Kane laid there for a moment in a daze until he felt his airway opening back up,  when felt he'd gained enough strength back in him, he begins to set up onto his knees and looks up at the woman that stood before him.

"Even now in the face of death, you show no fear. Will you, not pray to your God to save you?" She asks him almost taunting him, as she came down to eye-level with him.

"No! I will not bag, for my life to a God that doesn't care about his people or bag to any-other,"  He spat back at her.

She gazed deep into Kane's eyes for a moment, as tho she was reading his deepest, darkest secret locked hidden away deep within his soul.

She smiles as stood-up from Kane," Your life, will be spared tonight, for your bravery, If you claim Sekhmet as your Goddess. Drink from me and you'll be given a new life, my brave knight."  
Her fingernail came up to her wrist then she sliced it open.

Kan watch as the blood ran down her arm dripping onto the floor, "Why? Why would you do this for me?"  Taken back, with her offer.

"I will not explain myself to you. Take my blood or you die," Moving her wrist closer towards him.

Kane grasps onto her wrist that she'd held out for him, then he looked up toward her one last time, before placing his mouth over the open wound, he took in a breath then began to drink down the blood.

He tightly shuts his eyes, when the metallic taste files his mouth, Kane was beginning to feel sick, dizzy the more he drank and started to gag, he drops her wrist moving back from her then collapses to the floor.

"When the time comes, I'll come for you again,"  Was the last thing he heard her say, as he let the darkness consume him.

When Kane woke-up a few days later on the temple floor, his body was full rage and hunger like he'd never known before. That very night Kane had his revenge against the Shiruku's army.

He'd slaughtered hundreds of soldiers, ripped them apart into pieces and then feed on them. The palace and the grounds were covered in blood. Everywhere Kane went that night he left bloody limbs behind him,  it looked like a battlefield when he had finished with his revenge on them.

As the years went by, Kane became more accustom to his new life, but he'd never forgotten about what Leo had asked him to do.

One night, Kane went back to Jessa's home, like he'd promised Leon four years ago.

As Kane piers through the widow, he saw a little boy sitting on the floor next to Jessa playing, and laughing together. He couldn't remember the last time, he'd seen her this happy.

As the little boy played, Kane heard him speak, "Mama? When papa, coming home?"

"He'll be here soon Leon, now let us get you cleaned up before supper." She said sweetly to the child picking him up from the floor.

The boy had dark hair and eyes the color of the ocean, 'He was a handsome looking child,'  Kane thought, and he was happy for Jessa that she'd found love after losing Leon.

Kane moved from the window, stood there for a moment and whispers, "Leo, rest in peace, my brother." Before he walks away from Jessa's home, never returning back again.

Hundreds of years later, Kane had been captured by the same knights that he pledges his life to so long ago.

They hunted him down for years, then drained him of his blood, ceiling him into a coffin to rot in, never to escape from, 'So they thought.'

Hey, Guys, I know this is a short chapter, but I thought we needed to have a tad bit more info on Kane, on how he became the monster he is today. Don't forget to leave me lots of comments on this chapter. So what you think is coming up in the next chapter?  And don't forget to vote!!! Thanks so much!!!

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