Chapter 26

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Guys check out the new cover of my story done by @snishaslays !! Thank you so much for doing this for me! 

Guys check out the new cover of my story done by @snishaslays !! Thank you so much for doing this for me! 

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"Rina!" I whisper yelled. Rina was across from me crouched behind a bush, and so was I.

"What?" Rina whisper yelled back.

"Can you see it?" I called out. We were inside the house and it was almost pitch black except for the moonlight guiding us.

"Yeah! Come over here. I don't think anyone's up either" She called back in a more normal hushed voice.

So, us both, clad in black from head to toe (Rina's idea, I totally vetoed the ski masks), slowly started moving as silently as possible to the object that looked like a covered motorbike outside a shed. Yeah you thought right. We are currently sneaking around in Adam's backyard. Since he is behaving like an ass we thought we will teach him a lesson. Girl power!

"Ok take the cover off and let's get to work! We have like ten minutes to finish this" Rina said urgently.

I quickly joined her and started work while looking over to see whether anyone's coming over. The sounds we made were rather loud at this time, so we started rushing even more.

Although I wasn't so sure who would at two in the morning.

The next morning. I mean later that morning me and Rina decided to walk to school a bit early and stand around talking near the school gate about something very important.

We were able to gather a few of our friends and start talking about the coming Garden Club trip. Which I am not allowed to go by the way. I know I am not in the Club but still Rina is going with a bunch of students and a teacher. We talked about ways in which I could blend in with the group.

How I wish I had that invisible cloak thing from Harry Potter. Sigh

All of us had practically run out of ways in which to help me when we heard a loud engine noise followed by a loud screeching halt and accompanied by loud laughter.

We stopped talking and turned around to see the commotion.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Me and Rina looked at each other and burst out laughing so hard we were practically rolling around on the ground.

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