Chapter 36

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@dheirya this one is for you! where are you girl? thank you for the continuous votes and comments on my story! Means so much to me!

Adam's POV

Shit shit shit! I am furious!

Why didn't I stop her from running away?

Why did she call Zach's name?

We took so long to get to this point and then he ruined it all once again.


The clock besides my bed hits the wall.

I thought she is finally starting to believe in me and trust me..but.


The picture frame on the night stand hits the opposite wall.

After she left me hanging on the bed I had to control my anger and focus on getting the hell out of the party through all those people.

I thought I was almost to the door when one of my closest buddies Ted grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in.

I thought I was almost to the door when one of my closest buddies Ted grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in

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"Dude where are you running to? I thought I saw Mia running away too. What the hell is going on man?" He sounded way to confused.

I sighed. One way or another someone's bound to notice something. And that someone just happened to be one of my best mates who is too curious for his own good.

"Shit happened" I growled. "She said his name during know" I gestured and looked at him with anger filled eyes.

"Oh man! Not him again. I thought you guys are over all that shit!" Ted said in disbelief.

"I mean seriously. Did she really say his name? I mean you could've misunderstood during that could've been your name" Ted said in a doubtful voice, almost hopeful.

I sighed once again.

"It wasn't my name. That's for sure and I am sure of it. Otherwise why the hell would she just run off leaving me hanging" I started growling once again.

"She left you...hanging??" Ted started laughing. "I mean c'mon man, that's quite funny" he started laughing and then suddenly stopped. 

"Dude don't ever let the others hear about that part. I mean like ever!"  Ted said in a serious tone. 

I nodded. "Unless you do" I said to him.

He showed zipping his lips with his fingers. Oh well that's settled then.

"Hey I am heading home. Don't feel like hanging around here anymore" I called out to Ted over the sudden music that had hit the level of deafening.

"Totally understand. See you tomorrow" Ted shouted back and disappeared into the crowd of people.

I had run straight back home and locked myself in my room till the sun came up.

I am still in my bed without any sleep, still seething. Evidence shows from the amount of debris collected beside the opposite wall from my bed.

I crashed and smashed and done all I can to understand what happened last night.

The only thing I need to do now is talk to Mia.

I don't think she will be ready to hear anything. Let alone show her face to me.

She must be embarrassed.

But she did say it.

She still has feeling for him.

Last night proved it.

Now I need to find out how deep her feelings are. Whether I have any chance or whether our relationship has any chance of a future.

Like Ted said we have both been over this. I do not want to go through this again.

One thing I am sure is, she has stopped texting him. She hardly ever zones out during our hang out times now.

I ran my hands through my hair for the thousandth time!

What the hell am I going to do?

I can't let this slide now can I?

Should I?


My stomach grumbled.

I need food to think more.

That's it. I will have breakfast and then do whatever that comes to my mind.

By the time I took a shower and went into the kitchen I saw my Mom finish making breakfast and laying it all on the table.

She looked up at me concerned when I went into the kitchen.

"Son, are you alright? I though I heard crashing last night?" Mom looked worried.

"Yeah. Mia and I had some disagreement last night and I don't know why the thing that happened, happened last night" I told Mom as much as I could tell her without the almost having sex part.

"Okay, I am sure you guys will sort it out. Just don't go on and breaking things you will regret later on" Mom said closing off the topic. That is the thing about Mom. She will say whatever she wants to say and close it off. She doesn't go all curious and start asking questions. 

"So what are you going to do now? We have to talk about this at one point or another?" Mom asked me.

I groaned. "Mom can we talk about this another time. I didn't sleep much last night and I have a lot on my mind as I said just now" I looked pointedly at Mom.

"Fine. I will give you until the end of the week. After that we need to sit down and discuss your future" Mom looked at me and said firmly.

"Okay" I smiled sweetly at Mom and she smiled back. She couldn't quite resist my sweet smile.

Just then my phone beeped. I looked at my phone beside my plate, after seeing my Mom's disapproving look. Right no phones on the dining table, but this could be Mia.

It is a text from Mia's.

Mia: Hey Adam, I couldn't sleep last night. I am so embarrassed. But we need to talk. Let me know when we can meet. I will be home all day after I see Rina off in the morning.

Me: Let me know when you are back home and I will be there.

I lost my appetite. The fact that Mia through her embarrassment contacted me, is saying something.

I don't feel good.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Oh man!

Now I can't do anything but hold my phone and look at the blank screen until her text appears.

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