Chapter 34

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Exams are over! I am done. I am finally done! No more school. No more waking up. No more studying.

I should be elated, jumping for joy or even screaming.

However. I am feeling nothing like it. I kind of feel empty. For this very second or this moment I do not have any purpose in life. I have absolutely nothing to do! I never planned this far off. I was so concentrated on studying I never thought of this part.

I have been sitting in my chair in my room staring at my books, paper and the clutter since I came back from my last ever exam. I looked at the clock. I felt alarmed.

I blinked and then blinked. Time remains the same.

Three hours!

That's how long I have been sitting like this in a daze. Mom wasn't home when I came back and Rina has one last exam tomorrow and then she will be done.

Adam. I should call Adam and do something. I can't sit like this till tomorrow.

I took out my phone and called Adam. He picked up after the fifth ring. All I hear is some clutter and static?

"Hello? Adam? Can you hear me?"

"Mia? U finished your exams!" Adam shouted into the phone seemingly overjoyed. I had to move my phone a few inches away from my ears. To save it from being deaf, ofcourse.

"Yeah. Today, but why are shouting? And it is so unclear". I had to shout back too to be heard.

"Oh I told you I am going fishing with the crowd today. We will be heading back tomorrow morning"

And then I heard more shouting and screaming.

"Hey Babe I need to get back, Tim caught a huge one! Call you later ok. Bye" laughing he replied.

There. He hung up! I rolled my eyes.

So now what? Adam is busy too. Sigh.

I decided to change and get some sleep.

Once I changed into some comfortable clothes and fell onto my bed I realized how exhausted I was. So much of planning and studying early did no good. Towards the end of exam I was up almost every night cramming as much information as I can.

I haven't had a good night's sleep in forever. Slowly I felt my eyes closing as it was getting harder and harder to even move my body and then.......


Thump thump thump

I groaned into my pillow and thought, not this again! I tried opening my eyes to see Rina holding a pillow over her head, ready to hit me again.

"Oh thank God your up! I thought you were dead" Rina sounded relieved.

"So that's why you were banging on my head? To make me more dead?" I asked. That's when I noticed Rina was in her uniform. I looked at the clock.

Oh no!

"Rina what time is it? Or rather what day is it?" I asked alarmed all sleepiness vanished.

"I just finished my last exam and rushed over here to celebrate to see you slumbering away" Rina explained.

"So that means....... I have been sleeping for over sixteen hours!" I shrieked.

"Wait what?" Rina asked in disbelief "Don't tell me you have been sleeping since your last exam?"

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