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Linka and Clare walked into the Cafeteria laughing.

The first day had gone well Linka only threw one kid out the window followed by the teacher but it was pretty tame all around.

The two girls walked to an empty two seat table and began eating.

"Can you believe it Clare we're sophomores now a whole new doors opened up" Linka said eating a fry.
Clare punched the air in excitement.

"Yea now the upper classmen won't call us evil annoying freshman and force us to carry their bags anymore" Clare and Linka high-fived and giggled and ate their Lunch.

While the two girls talked a trio of girls walked up to them, two blondes and a brunette all dressed in purple tank tops with skulls, purple ripped purple skirts, ripped black leggings and black rock star boots and all of them had paper clip earrings.

Their presence went unnoticed until the brunette in front spoke up.

"Excuse me" she spoke politely but due to the loud chatter of the cafeteria the brunette sighed and spoke a little louder so both Clare and Linka could hear her, This time her mission was a success as linka and Clare turned their attention to her and the two blondes.

"Hiiii I'm Martha and these are the twins Ren and Jen I'm a junior while Ren and Jen are sophomores" the brunette known as Martha greeted.

Linka looked at Clare and raised an eyebrow Clare shrugged and introduced herself and Linka.

"Hiya my name's Clare and this my best friend Linka we are also sophomores nice to meet you" Claire smiled and Linka gave a lax smile and waved.

The trio looked at each other and then Linka.

"Well Linka was it me and the twins couldn't help but notice your...ah vest" Martha said losing her smile along with the twins who just glared down at her.

"Uh what about it? Oh no is their a mustard stain" She asked checking the vest hoping her rock star brother didn't leave a rock star mustard stain on the vest.

I am so going to kill him for this

She thought as she continued to check she was stopped by Martha who simply laughed.

"No no there's no stain of any sort" she reassured.

"We were just wondering" Ren started off
"Were you got it from?"Jen finished
"Or more so, Who you got it from?" They both said in unison.

"Yes exactly we were just wondering because the only person we know who owns a vest like that is Luke Loud, So how did you come across it?" Martha asked, Linka looked at the vest and then the girls placing things together, the purple, the rips, the skulls and paper clip earrings these were some of Luke's groupies.

Linka sighed and face palmed she'd gone through middle school and her first year of high school without her brothers groupies hounding her, sure she had girls with crushes asking about them constantly but the groupies didn't know Linka existed let alone the loud boys had a loud sister they'd hound her 24/7 about all her brothers.

Linka sighed and sipped her drink of water.
"Well Clare I guess it's the end of the road" she spoke in a country accent and put her head down.

"Well Links I suppose you're right" Clare said following Linkas lead.

"You had a good run loud I suppose it's time to give up the chase" Clare looked at the girls with a southern stare followed by linka who put her feet on the tabel.

"You wanna know how I came across this here vest owned by the infamous Luke Loud former student who rocked these very halls of this very school?" Linka asked the girls not letting up on the southern accent.

Martha and the twins simply crossed their arms and nodded their heads, Linka sighed and popped her collar.

"It's simple dolls That there rock star is my big brother along with the rest of them loud boys Loki,Loni,Luke,Lane,Lynn,Lars,Lexx,Lief, Levi and the cutest Loud Leon Loud nice ta meet ya sugar I'm Linka Loud their sister" Linka extended her hand and showed off the toothy lax grin all her brothers give when they pull a fast one on someone.

Linka waited for the girls reaction.

"No way" the twins Said as their jaws dropped
"Way" Clare and Linka fist bumping.

Martha blinked and started laughing, causing the girls to look at her she shook her head and scoffed.

"There's now way youuu of all people could be related to them, there's no way you could be related to Luke it's literally impossible your hairs white while they have blonde or brown hair" Martha pointed out rudely.

Linka touched her white hair cautiously as her cheeks turned red with anger but it could be mistaken for embarrassment.

"My hair has nothing to do with that and trust me I'm related to them and everyone except for crazy groupies like you knows I exist because you guys go coco bonkers if a girl that's not you goes even remotely close them, well I got ne-"


Linka was interrupted by a hand interacting with her face the contact causing her cheek to turn red and swell, Linka cradled her cheek and looked at The girl who slapped her who looked mega pissed.

"Theirs no way, just admit you lied and hand over the vest you stole from Luke" Martha fused.
"Yeah" the twins agreed

By now the entire cafeteria went quite and watched the girls and waited to see what happend next.

"Clare call Loki and tell him to come pick me up" Linka said getting up Clare got nervous and pulled out her phone their was no avoiding the red eyed monster was out to play.

"Hello Loki slight change of plans you might have to come get Linka"

After that the only things that were heard were the screams of teenage girls.

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