33: Cool Kids

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By the time lunch rolled around Linka and Clare had settled in nicely to their newly found popularity everyone was asking them questions and wondering when would be the next time the girls posted which they in turn only said soon. The newfound popularity of the two girls didn't go unnoticed by Linka's brothers either, Lynn and Lane slid into the seats next to both girls who were currently enjoying their lunch.

"So hows does it feel to be popular like your big brothers Linka?" Lane asked as he shimmied his shoulders against hers causing her to giggle at her brother's antics and give him a hug which he returned.

"Yeah I was starting to think the popularity genes skipped you completely" Lynn joked only for Linka to throw a french fry at him which he managed to catch in his mouth he stuck his tongue out and grinned at Linka who simply rolled her eyes while Clare and Lane laughed at the two siblings.

"Well I don't know about Linka but I am loving this new popularity this really cute boy asked me out this weekend" Linka raised her brow and sucked her teeth "Clare that was Javen" Clare giggled and covered her face in a shy manner.

"I know and I can't wait" she sighed dreamily, Lynn and Lane looked to Linka for an answer and she just mouthed out 'her boyfriend' the boys nodded and the four teens sparked up an entirely new conversation. Across the large cafeteria stood Martha, the twins, and one of Lynn's groupies Darcy they stood at the salad bar and watched the four teenagers laugh and converse with each other.

"She's really pushing it you dance at one party and you suddenly think you're popular now she and her little friend are sinking their claws into Lynn and Lane. Talk about leeches on the social hierarchy" Martha scoffed Ren and Jen made sounds of agreement while Darcy just rolled her eyes and shook her head Martha was obsessed with that girl all she does is talk about her 24/7. A dry laugh like scoff came from behind the three girls and they turned to see Mikey he had a lazy expression on his face but a hard glare in his amber eyes which sent shivers down Martha's spine and made Darcy blush, he tilted his head up and tskd.

"My first day here and I'm already learning who to steer clear from a stuck up chick and her two mindless groupies" Mikey shook his head at them and slung his skateboard over his shoulder. Martha didn't like the way he talked to her and glared back at him copying his head tilt up but with a little more irritation to it.

"And who might you be?" She asked Mikey shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"Someone who knows that those dirty shitty brown 1-inch heels have seen better days and don't match that pleated skirt," He said Ren, Jen and Darcy wasn't able to stop themselves from laughing along with anyone who was in earshot of what Mikey had just said. Martha's face was red with anger she said nothing and stormed off Ren, Jen, and Darcy chasing after her. Mikey shook his head and made his way over to Linka's table, Lynn and Lane had long since left to meet up with their friends so it was once more just Linka and Clare he walked up with a faux timid smile and even crossed his knees.

"I-is it okay if I sit with you guys," he asked in a faux shy voice Linka laughed and Mikey jumped into a straight posture. "You're so hilarious" Linka smiled Mikey just shrugged his shoulders.

"But no in all seriousness can I sit with you two I literally only know you two," Mikey said grinning widely as he gently rubbed his neck, Linka sat back in her seat and made a face.

"Sorry but that's not up for me to decide" Linka hummed in amusement. Mikey confused raised a brow "Wait What?"

Clare immediately shot up from her seat which made Mikey jump back he barely saw her move and he thought he was the fast one he held his hand up as Clare glared at him and looked up and down. "Alright, Mr. I have a series of questions I'm gonna ask you, and I better like if you wanna hang with some cool kids like us."

Mikey blinked and looked at Linka for guidance, he wasn't necessarily intimidated but he knew better than to underestimate looks and size he learned that the hard way. Linka smiled up at him and shrugged "Shes right you gotta go through the questions to hang out with us and eventually meet the rest of the crew"

Mikey just made a face but shook his head. "Alright I'll humor it fire away shorty," he said easing up Clare placed her hands on her hips and gave him a challenging stare.

"How old are you?"

"16, I'll be 17 in May"

"How tall are you?"

"6'4 1/2. Im the shortest out of all my brothers"

Mikey held a relaxed face unfazed by Clare's questions, Clare however decided to kick it up a notch.

"How athletic are you and do?"

Mikey scoffed "I workout 6 days a week and I skateboard, I also hear you have a basketball team. It be a shame if I were to try out" Linka laughed at the last part but was able to recover before Clare gave her an interrogation stare.

Clare simply nodded her head. "Impressive. What grade are you in?"

"I'm supposed to be a junior but the school messed up my credits so I'm a sophomore until next semester. Did I mention that I'm an advanced learner, I know 4 languages, I can survive a dutch oven, I play video games and watch anime I dance a little and I can cook oh and I also have the sickest style and playlists for every occasion, Any more questions?" he asked with a cocky smirk Clare looked absolutely stumped as she blinked a few times sipping on her tea impressed with all his responses even giving her answers to questions she hadn't even asked yet.

Clare cleared her throat and smoothed out her outfit. "Alright you can hang with the cool kids for now," Clare said as she sat back down in her seat, Mikey grinned and slid in the seat next to Linka to who simply smiled at him Clare raised her brow at the two of them before shrugging her shoulders.

While the three of them ate Mikey suddenly stopped and looked ahead. "Someone is staring at us with one hell of a mean mug a few seats behind us"

Linka and Clare looked confused as Clare leaned over a bit and saw none other than Ronaldo giving Mickey a deep mean mug, he saw Clare looking at him and scoffed before he got up and walked out of the cafeteria. She let out a sigh and shook her head.

"It was nobody important," She said as she went back to enjoying their lunch. All the while at the back of her mind Clare couldn't help but wonder how long Linka could go with hiding her feelings and how long Ronaldo would last before he blew up and tried getting her back.

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