39: The Rumor

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September 8th, 7:45 pm

Mikey walked into the gym and he could tell that cheer tryouts had ended because the gym was almost empty except for a few girls who were fully clothed and sitting on the bleachers he was about to head over to the bleachers before he heard his name desperately being called out he turned and saw Linka weakly limping out of the girl's locker room she looked as though she was about to fall over so he quickly rushed over to her and caught her.

"Woah Linka are you okay, You look...." He trailed off cause he had no idea what he could say he noticed she had changed her bottoms but that was about it she still had on her sports bra and was currently wearing a hoodie to cover up, her hair was a mess despite the ribbon still keeping her hair pulled back she looked like she had seen better days and wondered what had happened to her within the span of three hours.

"Mikey I-I can't feel my legs and I think I can see the light," she said reaching past his shoulder but he grabbed her wrist and shook his head the poor girl was delirious "Trust me Linka from experience that is one light you do not wanna go to"

Linka quickly grabbed his shirt catching him off guard as she gave him a paranoid eye and shook her head. "Oh ho no Mikey but that's what needs to happen! Herkie until you reach the light split until you feel the burn, toe-touch until you have no toes to touch" she whispered the last part as though it were some valuable secret and he just gave her a concerned look and eased her grip off his shirt.

"Linka lets get you home okay because right now you're reminding me of my sleep-deprived brother and it's triggering my flight of fight instincts" Linka gave Mikey another paranoid stare before she pouted and leaned on his chest he was on guard because he thought she would go crazy again but she had just chilled out. "Can you please carry me, I can't feel my legs I barely made it out of the locker room"

Mikey let out a hearty laugh before he pushed her back a little and turned around bending down a little so she could climb on his back she wrapped her arms securely around his neck and he made sure he had a good grip on her legs before he stood up and adjusted her properly she rested her head on his shoulder and made sure her head was in a comfortable position and she let out a content sigh. "You're a good guy ya know Mikey I'm glad I met you" she mumbled tiredly he gave a smile as he began walking out of the gym.

"I'm glad I met you too" he whispered softy, nudging his head against hers softly as he let out a soft sigh.

and with that, he carried her all the way home.


The next day Linka woke up in her bed she looked around and she was dressed in her pajamas and wondered how that happened as delirious and tired as she was she knew what she had on, panic began to wash over as she began to think of what happened to her after Mikey picked her up in midst of her panic a knock sounded on the door and her mother entered with food on a tray.

"Hey honey I'm glad to see that you're awake," her mom said as she entered the room Linka took a deep breath and nodded rubbing her head. "Yeah, Mom how long was I out for?" Linka asked as she accepted the food her mom let out a laugh as she sat down.

"I'd say about almost 9 hours honey you were asleep by the time that friend of yours brought you home so your father and I took you upstairs and I gave you a quick bath and tucked you into bed"

A wave of relief washed over her as she dug into the food her mother prepared Rita watched in amusement as she watched her little girl dig in as though she hadn't eaten in days when she was halfway done her mother made sure she slowed down for a bit. "Thanks, Mom" she said gently as she drank some of the water, Rita cupped her daughter's face and smiled sweetly at her.

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