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"Okay I know what you guys are thinking Violence is never the answer but those Luke Groupies had it coming for calling me a lier ignoring my literal blood relation to the loud brothers and saying I stole Luke's vest.

Their was a reason the groupies didn't know about me my brothers and I all agreed to keep me a secret from their groupies in high school so crazy chicks like that don't try and harass me.

It was going so well too, now those girls are going to make sure high school is nothing but the pits for me.

Well it was good while it lasted."


Linka Sat in the way back of Vanzilla with her arms crossed and a sad expression on her face while her brothers Luke and Loki sat in the front seat with angry,sad and disappointed looks on their faces.

Linka noticed Loki Looking at her through the rear view mirror she shot him a sad look before looking out the window.

Linkas Pov

My brothers must hate me for this

End of POV

Loki sighed and pulled into the mall Parking Lot, Linka perked up and looked at her brothers in confusion.

"Wait why are we at the mall?" She waited for her answer but only got Luke telling her to get out of the car.

"I've got somethings to take care of, I'll be back around six Mall entrance" Loki said Luke nodded and stared walking after Loki drove off.

Linka caught up to her brother and walked in step behind him keeping quite.

"Are mom and dad mad?" She asked as they entered the mall, Luke didn't say anything thing and walked into a Record store.

The owner of the store greeted Luke with chill excitement.

"What have you got for me today rocker dude?" He asked leaning over the counter Luke smirked and reached into his pocket pulling out a purple flash drive.

"Only the latest from the Loud Man brah" Luke handed him the flash drive and he handed Luke money and smirked.

"How's the quality dude?" He asked plugging the drive into his laptop, Luke smirked.

"Grade A, Sam had a wicked solo on track three and Chunky pulled the bass on track 7 so it sounds like you're actually there" Luke explained

"Wicked" the man laughed and fist bumped Luke, the man looked over Luke's shoulder and saw Linka checking out the records he looked her up and down and smirked.

"Dude check out the babe behind you, she's smoking hot from were I'm standing and standing perfect wide plump hips and great hour glass figure are those C's I see" he said assessing Linkas body, Luke looked at his sister and back at the shop keep before slamming his hand down on the counter getting the keeps attention.

Luke look pissed like when someone wakes him up in general pissed.

"I see off limits brah keep your filthy eyes, hands and that peewee stand to yourself or its lights out dude" Luke growled and the store keep just laughed.

"Bwahahahahaaa you expect me to believe that's your dime dude yea right noway a sausage taker could ever-" Luke grabbed the dude by his shirt collar and got in his face.

"I said off-limits" Luke threw the guy back and grabbed Linka by the wrist and stormed out of the record store once they were a safe distance away from the store Luke let her go.

"Don't go in that record store by yourself" he said walking towards the guitar center boredly linka followed and sighed.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad will the silent treatment be when we get home?" Linka asked She frowned when Luke put up all ten digit.

Linkas pov

"Oh no not a ten that's bad, especially in the loud house being the only girl in a house full of boys has it's perks but it's not all glitter and sun shine.

"When my brothers get mad at each other they fight for five minutes and call it a day but since I'm the only girl they give me the extended version of the silent treatment I can win my younger brothers over no problem with candy, video games, tickles and hugs.

But when it comes to my older brothers that's another story,when they give me a level 10 silent treatment they do it with an intent to teach me a lesson especially Loki and Luke getting them to forgive was like defusing a bomb One time I used Lokis charger and forgot too give it back and his phone died and he wouldn't talk to me for 3 days.

And Luke's no better I've gotta fix this "

END of pov

Linka looked around the store and saw Luke talking to the store owner handing him a flash drive from before they high fived and he handed Luke some money.

Luke looked at his watch and turned to exit the store Linka following close behind they made a stop and a hot topic store and Luke exited with another round of cash and a Michelangelo ninja turtle he gave it to her and they both left the mall.

They didn't wait long when Loki pulled up once again Linka was in the way back and her brothers were in the front.

"I'm sorry guys" Linka said sadly looking at the orange turtle.

Her brothers fist bumped and remained quite the entire ride home

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