30 Park Encounter. 2

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"It's good to see you again" a faint blush came on her face when he smiled at her showing off his shiny white teeth and cute yet abnormal sharp canines. "It's good to see you again too Linka, What are you doing in the park by yourself so early?" he asked looking around the empty park and then back at the white-haired girl chuckled nervously and smiled.

"I could ask you the same thing" she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, Mikey went to scratch the back of his head causing Linka to take notice in his attire, more the lack of it. He was completely shirtless and only had on black Nike basketball shorts, and black running shoes with the gold symbols on them and his orange bandanna were in sight, Linka's eyes were wide as she could only focus on the exposed skin before her that had a good sheen of sweat on it.

Linka PoV

Ok so I know I shouldn't be staring but I couldn't help it, How can he have such a well-toned six-pack at such a young age it's crazy. But I also notice he has a tattoo and a few scars some healed ones on his arms that I hadn't noticed before.



"My dad had me and brothers do early morning jogs growing up, we did it so much it became a habit we began doing it on our own we used to have a lot of fun on those jogs, doesn't feel the same without them..." He said mumbling the last part in a sad tone, Linka looked worried for him but he quickly perked up.

"Anyway, I told you why I was here now it's your turn" He said crossing his arms, he noticed Linka's expression go to a sad yet calm one as she looked up. "I was walking to school early...I wanted to clear my mind so I decided to stop at the park for a while" Mikey saw something flash for only a moment in her eye but said nothing.

"Do you live around here?" They both asked at the same time, pausing to realize they had both asked the question at the same time they laughed.

"Considering you came to the party at my house you should already know that question" Linka giggled, Mikey blushed a bit and gave an embarrassed chuckle as he looked down. "Yeah, you got me there. As for me nah I don't love that far off I live in a one bed room at Royal Village Apartments"

Linka looked surprised. "You have your own apartment?"

Mikey nodded his head."I'm looking for a job too adulting sure is hard" he said he looked sad for a moment but it was soon gone, Linka had curiosity written all over her face she had so many questions about this guy.

Linka POV
I have so many questions about him.
Why does he have an apartment so young?

Where did he move from?
How even old is he?
Being cute doesn't save him from my many questions.
"Say how old even are you to have an apartment and living by yourself?" Linka asked raising a brow.

"I'm 16 right now but I'll be 17 by the end of May" he said Linka nodded her head."Where did you move from?"
"New York" he said simply. He saw her gearing up to ask her next question but he put is hand up.

"I already know what you're going to ask I don't feel comfortable talking about it right now" Linka nodded her head in understanding and things fell quite between them.

They where quite for a while before Mikey broke the silence. "Ah well I'm wrapping up my jog and my place isn't to far from here would you maybe wanna walk to school together after a quick pit stop"

Linka seemed unsure about following a half naked boy back to his place of living, she barley knew him and had no idea what he was capable of but she also remembered that it doesn't matter how well you know a person you never know what their capable of.

Mikey noticed the Linka shifting back a little in fear and uncertainty, the mood between them that was comfortable switched to one that was unstable he had no idea what he had said to make her withdraw the way she did but he was quick to reassure her.

"Hey uh don't worry about me doing anything my step step cousin has been crashing with me since the party he's kinda going through a break up and has been crashing on my couch not to mention I wouldn't try and make a move on you" He said smirking stepping a little closer to her making her blush.

"I don't wanna mess up any chance I may have to be with a pretty girl" he said, Linka put her head down to hide her red face which made him laugh as he pat her head.

"Anata wa kawaii" he said grinning, Linka looked up at him a her face still being bright red. "You thinks I'm Cute?"


Linka smiled. "How much food do you have at your place?" Mikey smiles at her and took her book bag for her.

"That depends do you eat pizza for breakfast?" He asked as they began their venture to exit the park.

"Pizza is a luxury in my house" Linka said in amusement.

"Well it's a delicacy in mine. I have 3 older brothers and we can destroy 8 pizzas within an hour"

Linka giggled at his exaggeration. "Really? I can't tell"

Mikey grinned. "You should see their guts when I cook"

"A dude who can cook?" She said teasingly Mikey just shrugged it off nonchalantly. "Been cooking since I was 9 it was something me and my dad did together"

The two of them talked and passed back and forth witty banter and jokes stories about their siblings and what it was like, Mikey was able to take her mind off of things at home and she was happy not once did her mind wander to Luke.

That was until she walked into Mikeys Apartment. The two entered the house laughing but it was cut short by a family voice.

"Finally your back, Do you want to be late on your first day?"

"Sam!!!" Linka said in a surprised tone.

"Linka!!" He returned her surprise as he stared at the girl in equal shock.

"You two know each other?" Mikey asked.


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