32 First Impressions

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Linka and Mikey were a block away from the school and they had already been drawing attention from some students before they'd even set foot on school grounds.

"Is it me or are a lot of people staring before I've even rolled in?" Mikey asked as he and Linka stopped a few feet away from the school, Linka shrugged her shoulders as she handed him his skateboard.

"Regardless of what they're staring at. You have an entrance to make Mr.Hamato" Mikey took his skateboard and grinned.

"Please, Mr. Hamato was my father. I prefer something a little more dignified" He said patting his chest

Linka raised a brow and crossed her arms. "And what would that be?"

"Well, What I want to be called is something meant for bedroom walls. So M.C will have to do for now" he said winking, Linka was confused about what he said but soon realized what he meant, by that time he had run back a few feet and was now skating past her at full speed, Linka raced after him as fast as she could so she could watch him make his entrance.

He grabbed the attention of some onlookers and once he had enough eyes he let out a whole shout he weaved through a group of students who looked surprised, he did a triple kickflip and steered towards on of the picnic tables he jumped up and did a side flip and landed perfectly on his skateboard as if it was nothing, and just like he anticipated he gained the attention of everyone around someone tried to pull out their phone while he was skating but when they did it was in Mikeys had; he waved it shaking his head and tossed it back to him.

"NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY FOLKS!!" He shouted before busting through the double doors shocking those who were already inside the building. He jumped up on the stair rales causing a sliding sound to be made and landed with a 360 turn stopping his board and pointing at the door.

Astonishment clamored amongst the students, Mikey picked up his board as Linka walked in with complete amusement on her face. "Woah Mikey I knew you said you could skate but...that! Was something else, What's your secret Hamato?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Now, Now I cannot share all my secrets, then they wouldn't be secret" Linka giggled causing the boy to grin widely as he scratched the back of his neck.

Mikey looked around and he noticed everyone looking at him and Linka, and he couldn't tell who they were staring at more of him or her, either way, he made an exceptional entrance and knew if his brothers were here they'd all be proud of him. Linka was about to walk Mikey to the Guidance Office to get his schedule for his classes but both were stopped by the frantic calling of Linka's name; both of them turned around and saw Clare running towards them with Javen following behind her.

Clare stopped in front of Linka out of breath as she was bent over and holding herself up with her hand on her knees Linka looked worried and confused as she looked between the two of them. "Clare, Javen what's the hurry? Is everything okay? What happened?" Linka asked as she Clare finally caught her breath.

"For starters, Clare needs to run track whew I could barely keep up" Javen started off as he let out a huff of air.

Clare rolled her eyes at him and pulled out her phone. "On a more serious note when was the last time you checked the Clinka McLoud Insta page or your social media in general?" Clare asked with excitement and a sly hint of pride in her voice, Linka shrugged her shoulders and pushed some hair behind her ear.

"I dunno last Monday, my phone was on Do Not Disturb all week" Linka answered in a low sheepish tone, Mikey noticed this and raise a brow at her slight change in attitude.

Clare hadn't seemed to notice the change as Mikey had but it was a good thing in Linka case because the news seemed to consume the girl. "Well I suggest you check it now"

Clare said pulling out her phone and showing Linka their shared Instagram page, Linka was completely confused their Instagram page wasn't anything spectacular to look at with 10 dance videos and only 6 followers the page wasn't something to spare a glance at. As she took the phone, her eyes widened in shock as she noticed that their measly 6 followers had skyrocketed to almost 5,678 followers.

"Holy Shit!" Linka exclaimed as she continued to check out the page the videos on the page the comment section that was usually filled with bots were filled with actual people complimenting on their dancing skills it was amazing. Clare took her phone back and nodded at Linka's shock at the explosion of their page.

"That is...how?" Linka asked she had only dreamt of having their page reach somewhere like that. They had started the page in 8th grade and even made flyers for the page handing them out all over school they went home that same day and only gained six followers and 10 comments on their first and only video all 10 comments were hateful; telling them to give up but they kept it up until they got better and now out of the blue one of their wildest dreams came true.

"If I had to guess I'd say it's from this" Mikey chuckled as he showed Linka his phone and saw a video of the girls dancing on the Instagram discovery page. Linka looked up at him and then turned her sight to Clare who was nodding, confirming that there were videos that night of the two girls dancing she let out a huff of laughter and smiled turning to look at Miley who was looking down at her.

"Guess we know who they were looking at now huh?" Mikey grinned and playfully wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Just because you can dance doesn't mean I didn't set a good first impression they're looking at us sweetheart"

A laugh escaped Linka as she elbowed Mikey who dodged it and laughed at her when she tried doing it again. "You're gonna have to be quicker than that Amai" Linka stopped trying to land a hit on him and raised a brow.

"What's that mean?" She asked crossing her arms and Mikey just chuckled. "Stick around me long enough and maybe you'll figure it out" he tapped her nose and walked off to find the guidance counselor's office, Linka watched him leave and roll her eyes.

"Linka who was that just now?" Clare asked a little suspicious that some random guy was being a little too friendly with her best friend, Linka was her best friend and Clare was not letting some new guy steal her away.

Linka giggled and hugged Clare already sensing Clare was already plotting Mikey's demise. "Relax Clare, that was Mikey. I met him at the party he's really cool guy" Linka clarified, Clare saw her friend was looking better from when she last saw her but she wasn't stupid she knew Linka was covering up some feelings, she'd have to let Linka deal with them first before they could talk.

"Ok fine, but he's gonna have to go through the proper channels before further interaction" Both Clare and Linka laugher as both girls and Javen began walking to the cafeteria together talking about their sudden internet fame.

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