35: Forward

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When Linka made it home she was met with the rambunctious actions of her siblings before she could even announce that she was home she saw Lexx was chasing Leif down the stairs with a plastic knife. "Why are ya running Leif this is your chance to gain a new scar" Lexx hissed Leif let out a screech and hid behind Linka who managed to stop the angry blonde pink-wearing boy.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry Lexx, It was an accident," He said as Linka tried protecting Leif from Lexx.

"Wait a minute what happened guys?" Linka shouted as she took the plastic knife from Lexx and shoved it in her pocket and placed her hand on her hips both the twins looked at each other and Lexx simply glared at Leif while Leif just gave a sad look at his feet. "Well Linka, Leif here thought it would be a good idea to go to school dressed up like me today and tell Jenna Swvloski that I wanted her to be my girlfriend all so he could get her off his back" Lexx growled at Leif and Lexx just growled right back.

"Look it's not like she's ugly or something so what's the big deal?" Leif shouted

"The big deal Leif" Lexx shoved Leif who was now getting angry just as twin brother was.


Everything went silent before Linka just let out a laugh Lexx and Leif looked at her confused before she stopped laughing and bent down to their level a smile still on her face.

"Apologize! Both of you. Leif if you're gonna throw a girl lord your scent make sure she avoids her at all costs that means no calls, no texts nothing, and Lexx instead of chasing Leif down the stairs with fake cutlery try actually because she can't dress try actually I dunno TALKING TO HER" she shouted sending nothing but raw fear down their spines both boys could tell she wasn't exactly talking to them like that on purpose, she must've run into Ronaldo on the way home.

Regardless of that, she was right and they got the message loud and clear before turning to each other with sorry expressions on their faces.

"Look man I'm sorry I sent Jenna your way it's just I like the new girl Eun and I don't want Jenna ruining any chance I may have with her ya know?"

Lexx saw the look on his brother's face and sighed. "I wish you'd have told me beforehand"

"Sorry dude I'll tell you next time" Linka looked at her brothers and smiled. "I'm glad you two worked it out now if you excuse me I've got homework to do"

Lexx and Leif watched as their sister walked up the stairs. "She seems better from when she left," Lexx said raising his eyebrow.


When Linka got in she tossed her bag on the floor and hopped in bed she looked at her phone and saw that Ronaldo had texted her 16 times since she last saw him, she cut her eyes in a glare at her phone and typed.

'Stop Texting Me!'

"You never paid this much attention to me before" she hissed as she tucked her phone under her pillow she was about to fall into a nap but a knock sounded at her door. She let out a groan and reluctantly got out of bed she opened her door and there stood Luke with a sad puppy look on his face Linka cut a glare at her brother and hissed, she felt sick with rage just looking at him.

"What do you want Luke" she spat as she crossed her arms looking him up and down making him feel worse than what he already did.

"Linka can we talk? Please?" He asked almost quietly Linka gave a scoff that was followed by a bitter laugh. "It seems my popularity has followed me home cause now everybody wants to talk to me"

Luke winced at how sharply she spoke he looked down at his feet before looking at her. "I wanted to say I'm sorry Linka"

Link shook her head. "Are you really sorry Luke cause had you actually been sorry you wouldn't have done it!"

"Linka listen-"

"No Luke you listen I don't want to see you or talk to you until I've done this thing called taking time to myself to come to terms with the shitty things I've gone through over the past few days which are Bullies, A breakup, and losing my virginity to my so-called brother! We live in Michigan Luke, not Alabama!" She hissed the last part quietly and pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a frustrated sigh before looking at him.

"I need time to myself Luke...until then just give me my space" Linka didn't give Luke time to respond before she closed the door in his face she locked her door and fell to her knees her hand tightly gripping the handle as she covered her mouth and tried not to cry.

Linka POV

I'm not going to cry anymore I have to move forward like Venus said, no matter how much it hurts.


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