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It was Friday night and Linka was sitting at the dining table scrolling through her phone and sipping from a glass cup of water.

"Can't sleep?" Linka turned around and saw Luke smirking as he came into the dining room.

"Nah I felt my room heating up first had to come down stairs while it's still cold" she said, she heard a chair pull up beside her.

"Yeah I know what you mean Leif said he was gonna fix it but hasn't yet I'm not holding any hope though" Linka laugh at that and nodded.

It was quite between the two siblings as linka kept scrolling through her phone, Luke saw she was intent on looking for something.

"What's bothering you sis?" Luke asked as he took her phone and began scrolling through her phone for her but stopped when he realized she was on Lanes instagram, he felt his blood boil a lot bit and showed her the phone.

"Why're you on Lanes Instagram?" linka rolled her eyes and took the phone back exiting off of the app.

"It's nothing that matters right now, is everything set for the party?" She asked looking up from her phone, Luke gave a rockers fist and grinned.

"Totally little sis tomorrow night is going to be wicked we've got kids from the next town over coming" Linkas eyes widened in surprise and laughed.

"Your kidding right? the next town over?" Luke just nodded his head and smirked.
"Not even the party hit the circuit so fast it spread from RoyalWoods to every town near it, trust me little sis this party is going to be wild" Luke said ruffling her hair causing her to giggle and smile.

"This is going to be huge I can't wait" She said getting up from her chair.
"By the way meandClarearegoingtothemallImwearingwhatIwantLoveyou byeeeeee" Luke was confused and tried to reach for his retreating sister and fell out of his chair and fell on his face.

"I don't what you just said but I'm going with you" Luke yelled as he ran up the stairs and busted into Linkas room to see she was fast asleep, Luke sighed and gave a soft smile before walking out of her room missing Linka smirk in her sleep.

Saturday 9:10pm RoyalWoods Mall

"Don't go off to far, Stay where I can see you" Luke said as he watched the two giggling girls pointing at stores in the mall.

"Oh lets go into sex appeal" Clare said giggling
"Oh let's" Linka agreed
Luke's eyes nearly bulged out of his head he barley had time to reject before they ran off into the mall.

Luke chased after them but got lost into the sea of mall shoppers and gave up.
"Eh I'll just take what she buys and burn it later" he said walking into the record store next to him, when he got in there he saw Linka and Clare being chatted up by the store owner.

He noticed he was especially interested in Linka, Luke growled and stormed over to the three he yanked both the young teens back and got into the store owners face.

"You must be crushing for a bruising brah cause I'm pretty sure I told you the dimes off limits" Luke said getting closer, eyeing the record man.

"Luke relax the little lady and her friend were just asking for directions to sex appeal personally I don't think the dime needs any help in that area-" Luke was quick to move his hand and warp it around the owners neck causing him to choke and gag but smirk at the same time.

"Luke let him go" Clare and Linka said As they tried to pry his hands from around the boys next.
"Off limits Marcus next time I won't be so nice" He said letting go of Marcus' neck, he laughed while he gasped for breath.

Luke looked at linka
"I told you not to come in here by yourself now you're not allowed period come on" he said taking linkas hand and storming out of the store Clare close behind.

In the store Marcus watched as the girls pleaded with Luke and watched as he dropped his shoulders allowing linka to wrap her arms around his neck, she let go and ran to Clare both jumping up and down letting out girl screams before running off Luke being close behind.

"Oh Luke I'm gonna steal that dime from you and make her mine starting tonight" he growled devilishly as he went to the back.

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