34: Venus

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After lunch, Linka was walking to class by herself. Mikey had gone off with Clare because they had the same English class so it was just Linka flying solo. The hallway was fairly empty and not many people seemed to notice her and that's kinda how she wanted it, she looked around to make sure nobody was around and walked straight to the end of the hall where the double doors led to the outside when she got to the doors she felt the cold metal of the push handle and without a second thought, she pushed the door open.

She looked around and sighed as she looked around there was the newer fields for football, soccer, baseball, softball, and track, and on the other end where the old fields that were still being used for gym classes and other uses during lunch and a handful of free periods besides that the place was desolate, Linka walked towards the old fields when she got there she saw some old bleachers and went to sit on them. When she sat down, silence, she was listening to the bird's chirp and the wind rustles the leaves she breathed in the air and tears slowly began to stream down her cheeks she thought about her break up with Ronaldo and what happened with Luke the day after the party and shook her head frantically as she began letting out everything she had felt over the past few days.

Linka POV

I'm so scared and confused I don't know what to do anymore someone, please help me...


Linka rubbed her face and whipped away her tears as she let out a shaky breath and sighed fresh tears streamed down her face as she looked out the serene scene before her. "Linka?"

Linka let out a gasp and whipped away her tears and turned around to see the girl from class a few days ago who kept saying her name wrong, She took a moment to look the girl over she was about 5'11 with beautiful porcelain skin and beautiful almond-shaped eyes, her hair long jet black hair was in a long braid style and she wore white shorts with a dark seafoam colored cropped hoodie and black converse platforms. "Oh, it's you, what are you doing here?" She asked as the girl sat down next to her she gave Linka a bright smile and Linka just gave her a confused look.

"I could ask you the same thing but the more important question is. Why are you crying?"

Linka looked away and huffed. "It's nothing."

"Really so breaking up with your boyfriend and drunkenly sleeping with your brother is nothing?" Linka shot up and glared at her angrily though the girl seemed unfazed by Linkas anger.

"How the hell did you know that?"

"I'm Lane's ex-girlfriend and I'm Lukes best friend you really don't pay that much attention to your brother's lives do you?" she asked giving a giggle Linka still looked angry but eased up a bit as she sat back down. "Not really I never even knew you were a friend of Luke's and I never paid attention to Lane's girlfriends we all knew he was gay because the relationships never lasted long"

The girl hung her head in shame and Linka raised a brow. "Did everyone know he was gay but me?" She sounded a little upset after hearing that from Linka.

"Yeah pretty much"

"Ugh Anyway this isn't about me It's about you, are you okay?" She said nudging Linka, Linka simply rolled her eyes and looked away. " No...I'm not I don't know how anyone can be okay after being defiled by one of many people who swore up and down they'd never hurt you. But they did and now you don't know what to do or even how to look at them anymore"

The girl saw how broken Linka looked as she talked about it and as she thought about Luke and what happened she sighed. "I understand what it's like not the same situation but similar" Linka said nothing and let the girl continue speaking.

"But from what Luke told me he has feelings for you romantically and while him acting on those feelings drunkenly was highly inappropriate and stupid. You have every right to feel the way you do. Don't let that stop you from moving forward I'm not saying you should forgive Luke if anything makes him work to get his little sister back. But what I am saying is mope all you want for now feel how you feel just don't let this define who you are for the rest of your life"

Linka looked at the girl who was smiling at her weakly her eyes seemed to have a warm and gentle motherly touch to them when she looked at her Linka she felt safe and secure. "Thanks...I'm sorry I never paid attention to you before now. What your name?"

The girl let out an amused sigh and smiled. "My name is Venus. Venus De'Milo but there is no need for you to remember my name because after today I'm leaving Royal Woods High School"

Linka looked surprised at what the girl had just announced. "What why?"

Venus let out a sentimental chuckle and looked out at the old fields. "Let's just say an old friend found me and they need me," She said Linka saw her smile and couldn't help but smile as well.

"Well if it's worth anything it was nice meeting you Mona"

"Likewise, Linka"


Later that day Linka found herself walking home, the school day had ended and it was time for her to make her walk home by herself. Lane and Lynn stayed after school for clubs and sports, and Clare left with Javen earlier for a date, as she was walking she hadn't noticed that she was coming up on someone until she bumped into them.

"OI WATCH WHERE YOU'RE- Linka... it's you"

Linka had bumped into none other than Ronaldo Santiago she said nothing as she attempted to walk past him but he stopped her. "Linka can we please talk?" he asked he gave her a pleading stare but she made sure to not make eye contact.

"I don't want to talk to you right now Ronnie," she said darkly at him as she cut a glare making him stare at her in disbelief. "Linka Please-"

"I'm not ready to talk to you yet Ronaldo...I don't think I will be so please just leave me alone" Was all she said before she pushed past him and began speed walking until she had put a good distance between them as Linka was walking she came across the park and saw Mikey and Venus talking.

Linka POV

What are Mikey and Venus doing in the park together?


Venus had gently punched Mikey in the shoulder and pulled him into a hug the two of them held each other for a long time before they let go.


They look pretty close, I wonder how they know each other


Venus ruffled Mikey's hair and hugged him one last time before walking off, Mikey looked so sad as if he were about to cry he covered his eyes and punched the swing set behind him before he shook his head and walked int the direction of his apartment. Linka wanted to go to him but he looked as though he needed to be alone, she looked at the spot where Mikey had once stood and sighed and headed in the direction of her home.

Hopelessly wondering if Mikey would be okay.

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