Chapter Four : You Need A Woman

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 Life isn't easy. Well, that's what everyone says. But, some may not have gone through what they thought wasn't easy. Still, they manage to live by it. That was Sean's motto in life. Ever since his father had left his mother and his only son, Sean has seen his life that way. It was a process, Sean had to endure and adapt. Secretly wishing his father would return to his small family. He took up journalism to take his mind of his father, to put his use into the world. His mother was a huge part in his life, caring and watching over him. A job his father had failed to do.

 Now, Sean was repaying his mother as he entered into her bedroom. Her body frail and small, trying to fight its way. He gave his mother a weak smile as he pulled a chair next to her bed. It's been months since the time his mother had found out she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The news had taken toll on Sean, affecting his work at the New York City Times.

 He kept it cool, continued what he loved the most, writing. With only two more possible weeks to live, Sean has been taking time off of a work to care for his sick and dying mother. The break is definitely going to cost him. Grace would work her way pass his position and as soon as he returns, she'll be running the whole place.

 Sean couldn't let that happen. But his mother was his priority right now, and he wanted to spend every minute and every time with her. His mother noticed his silence, usually the boy would be telling his mother all the stories he had written the past two weeks.

 She knew he took time off his time-consuming job to care for her. She often wondered if Sean had a special woman in his life besides herself. Sean was never a ladies kind of man and he was quiet about his own personal life. Throughout all of his high school year, his only love was for writing. It didn't matter to him; girls were just hard to understand.

 "Sean, how was your day?" His mother asked.

 He looked up as his finger pushed the middle of his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

 "It was well, nothing interesting happened. It's been raining the past two weeks."

 His mother nodded in response. She longed for a quick glimpse of sunlight, the last one she would ever see before her passing. Sean knew his mother well, as he watched her lay peacefully on her bed. She wasn't afraid of dying, Sean thought. He often wondered how life would be without his mother. How would he survive without her presence? The woman who would always look after him and the one who had always believed in him. His mother looked at him again and Sean knew the look quite well.

 "Sean, what do you plan to do when I'm gone?"

 "Well, mom. I don't really know. Just return to work and just write stories all my life."

 "No plans for finding a woman?"

 He chuckled at her comment, "Mom, I have no time for that."

 "Well, you managed to find time for me. So why not do the same for a woman?"

 "I don't know how to date. Besides, no one likes me anyway."

 "Sean Wren Ross. I'm really worried about you. I want to know that my boy will be okay after I'm gone."

 He thought of her suggestion. Find a woman, where can he fit the time for that? There are a lot of pretty girls in New York, but none had interest in him. Besides, he was awkward, mean, and uncomfortable around them. Never had experience with one. Due to his busy schedule at work, he wasn't sure if he would fit a woman into his schedule.

 "Sean, do you have a special girl in mind?" His mother questioned.

 He ran a hand through his brown ruffled hair, "No."

 His mother placed her cold hand on his, "Sean. Go out there. Have fun, live life. Meet a girl, fall in love. That's all I want my boy to be, happy."

 He couldn't hold back his tears after hearing his mother's comment. His arms wrapped around her small body, holding his dear mother close to him. He wanted to take up his mother's challenge, because the last thing his mother wanted was for her only child to fall in love.

A/N: Kay , I hope you enjoy this chapter , it's not too boring right ? Well , don't worry next chapter will be Grace & Steve . You guys exicited for Marvel's latest projects ? I can't wait ! (:

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