Chapter Twenty-Three : Falling Slowly

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 After a long chat with Addison and Steve, Grace was starting to tire. The three of them talked about various subjects, usually brought up by Addison. Even though Grace had just met Addison, she felt as if Addison was her long lost sister, the two became very close with short amount of bonding time. Addison had to limit her vocabulary and her sudden rants due to Steve's knowledge of today's time. Steve was catching up, and seemed to be up to date with everything. Addison excused herself for a moment, and ran frantically into the house.

 The second time Grace and Steve were left alone. Few quiet moments passed by as Grace nervously fiddled with her fingers, her eyes gazing upon Steve every minute he looked away. Grace couldn't stand the silence, and remembered how the two met, with a brief moment of silence. The two both looked up and locked gazes for a while. At that moment, Grace could clearly see Steve's blue eyes which almost made her heart skip a couple beats.

 "I, uhm. I... got a hold of Peggy's file today." Steve managed to say.

 "You did?" Grace slowly said.

 "Surprisingly, the file didn't read deceased like all the others." Steve's voice slowly trailed.

 "Did...Did you talk to her?" Grace suddenly assumed, "I'd like to meet her if that's possible."

 "I... ended up, not calling her."

 Grace bit her lip, forcing herself to let out anymore that could offend or hurt Steve. She stroked his broad back, before letting her head lay on his shoulders. She could feel his strong heart beating, knowing how much Steve loved Peggy and would do anything in his power to see her again. The heart that kept beating as he pressed forward into his new life. Grace wanted to meet Peggy, or at least see how the woman looked like. It would give her an idea on Steve's first love, the woman she was. The two remained silent again for a while, as they looked out the dark, starry sky.

 Light footsteps approached them, also letting out a long sigh to indicate her appearance. Addison stood quietly by, her cheeks filled with a bright almost pink like color to her cheeks as she looked at Steve and Grace. She couldn't hold back her cries as she pointed her index finger at the two, without any sounds or words. Her fingers came together and formed a small heart as she held it out in front of the two, her eyes giving them a small wink. Steve chuckled lightly as he locked hands with Grace, also giving Addison another thing to squeal about.

 "I'm sorry if I'm ruining anything, you guys are just so, cute for words!" Addison cried happily, her hands covering her rosy cheeks.

 Grace wondered how Steve was handling this, did any of this happened to him and Peggy? Did many girls line up to his feet, wanting to get together with the great Captain America? If not, Steve must have been clueless about Addison's actions. Addison's phone vibrated loudly, causing her to walk out the room in private. Another long pause, along with the horrible memory of Sean and his confession, how she treated him that afternoon. Grace didn't mean to hurt Sean, besides he was going to get hurt either way. It was better if she had told him about it, instead of him finding out the truth himself.

 Maybe, she should have said it a bit better, less harsh and put in a softer tone to it. But what has been said has been done. Another thought came into mind, should Steve know about the situation with Sean? If so, how should she tell him? The only thing Grace was afraid of was Steve mistaking the situation for Grace having feelings for Sean. But why was she afraid of that as well?

 Addison returned, her face filled with an urgent expression. Steve seemed to have noticed her expression and lightly lifted Grace's face from his shoulder. From the phone call and their expressions, something must have been up. She walked alongside the two as they go toward the door, wrapping themselves in their coats and grabbing an umbrella.

 "Hope to see you soon." Grace choked.

 She didn't know why she got so emotional, something unusual for Grace. Possibly, the two would see each other again, but due to the potential of drawing Erik to the picture, Grace wanted to hold visits to Steve for a while. It was going to be challenge, once Uncle Phil deals with the situation, the two will be able to see each other again.

 "Don't worry Grace; I'll get Steve to call you." Addison teased.

 Steve gave Grace a soft gaze, before leaning in and kissing her slowly.

 "I'll see you soon." He replied softly into her ear.

 As Steve turned, he revealed a love struck Addison, her cheeks redder from before. Grace came over and embraced her new friend, after knowing Addison just for a day, she felt connected to her. Plus, the girl was a character, and definitely amused her at times. Grace watched the two fade away in the dark, cold night, before closing the door.


 The door was halfway open as Grace poked her head outside to see who called. A taxi cab was pulled up by the driveway, revealing a tall honey blonde and an injured dark brown man.


 Grace raced over to the tall blonde and grabbed Sean's other arm so the two could carry him inside the house. From her view, Sean received two bruises, one near his eye and the other near his mouth. The tall blonde released her grip and started to gather pillows on the couch.

 After laying Sean on the couch, Grace ran to his kitchen and gathered a towel and cold water for his bruises.


 The tall blonde looked at Grace for a second, scanning her tired expression before reaching for the bowl of water. She sat by, and felt a bit awkward for her presence as the blonde pressed the towel against his bruises along his face and back.

 "Thanks Irene."

 Irene nodded and took the bowl into the kitchen. Sean slowly turned to face Grace, and motioned her to come to him. She pressed her head against his chest, keeping in touch with his heartbeat. Times like this, Grace missed. She missed those friendship days with Sean, before he confessed his love for her. Sean lightly stroked the side of her cheek, also twisting her brown locks around his fingertips. Irene returned with the water, and Grace took over.

 She lightly dipped the towel into the water, Sean's gaze following her move before she looked up at him. Grace wanted to know what happened to Sean, and how long was he out for? The bruises didn't look too serious with a possibility of it recovering quickly. She pressed the towel gently against his face, as Sean held his gaze on her for a moment. Her heart started to beat fast as Sean took her face into his hands.

 With that gesture, Sean kissed her. Something, he's wanted to do for a while. And to Grace's surprise, she did the unthinkable.

 She kissed him back.

A/N : Kudos to you if you think you know where I got inspiration for this chapter from ! So yup ! Upload , finally ! School keeps pulling me away from here , I'll try to update tomorrow or Sunday before school again . Addison , doesn't she remind you of a total fangirl ? Haha (:

& at the end of this book , I'm going to add in a bonus chapter of Steve and Peggy because , ahjgdghjkl <3 I love them too much ! It is titled , " Think Of Me " I believe the original song was from Phantom Of the Opera ? I love the David Archuleta version ! (:

And huge thanks to all of you adding this story to your libraries , it's almost been a year on this site for me , you guys make it the best ! Lovve you all ! <3 (:

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