Chapter Twenty-Nine : Kaleidoscope Heart

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 Erik couldn't keep calm, his moment, the end and everything were being controlled by a small gun trigger. Everyone around him, the friends he had made and betrayed, were all against him. Irene was gone, there no one else by his side. His life was filled with different uncontrollable lies; all told by the ones he loved the most. Would he return to the foul night he was kicked out by SHIELD and erase his selfish behavior for a much great result? Grace wouldn't be near death, and probably, the two could be on the subject of possible wedding plans. But things happen for a reason, and if this moment in time were a life-changing reason, he would do it. There he was, in the midst of the surrounding crowd, ready to kill his love, and those around him.

 I don't wanna admit, but we're not gonna fit. No, I'm not the type that you like. Why don't we just pretend?

 There was no use for Grace and Erik, their relationship ended on that brutal December night. Ever since, Erik never gave up hope, the day Grace would take him back into her comforting arms, shielding him away from the world. Spending many of his open months just to find Grace and her new location. Planning his whole "sorry" speech, making sure the words were said and the time was perfect.

 I just want it to be perfect. To believe it's all been worth the fight.

 The old saying, things don't always go out the way you want it to be. Erik always kept that quote in mind, knowing a different result could bring up and often times, tried his best to cooperate on the situations. His heart was filled with sadness, hurt, and pain all throughout his horrible childhood, soon to be lifted on the day he had met Grace. Her brown wavy hair covered the beauty of her, and it took Erik a while to crack her open.

 Agent Coulson had a key role in their relationship, convincing Grace to spend time with a worthy man. Or, what he thought was worthy. Those times, Erik will always cherish, the pain of knowing those moments would never come between them now. Grace had gone her separate way, and moved on from their fragile relationship. However, Erik never did. He was still dazed in the thought of Grace, the illusion of their relationship and the feeling of her love. Once he stepped foot in New York, his mind was brought back to reality. The night he saw her for the first time in sleepless years, the way the bruises were scattered across her body.

 From his own planning, he had dreamed of Grace running toward him, with open arms and of course, the smile he always loved. Instead, he was greeted by a cold stare and a forced smile for his returning. There, Erik found out the truth of the lies he had been living in. Grace didn't love him anymore; she had forgotten all about their relationship and found a different love in another.

 You're too proud to say that you've made a mistake. You're a coward to the end.

 All the pain would soon be released by a simple slip of the trigger. He could feel the rapid pounding of Grace's heart as he tightened his strong grip on her. Nothing changed, all guns were aimed at him and Grace's prissy star spangled boyfriend was watching his every move. Maybe, he should just shoot him instead of Grace.

 Even better, shoot both Grace and her blue tighten suit boyfriend.

 The pained look on Agent Coulson brought Erik great satisfaction, besides Grace was all Agent Coulson had. Killing off Grace, would always cause Agent Coulson great pain in his life. Besides, he was the one who had ruined their relationship from the start. There were so many choices Erik could choose, why can't he just choose them all?

 "No, wait." The blue suited man or Captain America stated.

 The famous man who had suddenly disappeared for a brief seventy years, the one Erik would always look up to as a role model. Now, he despised him, for stealing his love and everything that was rightfully his. What did Grace like about that 95+ man anyway? Erik's lips curled into a deep smile as he harshly pinned the gun against Grace.

 "Put the gun down. Let's discuss this before anyone gets hurt." Captain America calmly responded.

 "I'm afraid it's too late for that, you see, I'm already hurt. May not see it, but inside I'm hurting. And this girl, who I am holding in my hands, was the cause of that pain. Therefore, she must go." Erik replied smoothly.

 "I-I-I" Grace muffled her words unable to reach the outside of her mouth as Erik tightens his grip much more.

 "Please, don't do that. You're choking her." The man spat.

 "Which way shall she go? The quick death, where I just shoot her or the slow, intimate death, where she'll choke and gasp for the air but it is unable to partake of it. You tell me, the ever so famous Captain America, which one would suit her well?" Erik said with a smug grin.

 "Well, none of it. I'm going to ask this again, put the gun down, before any of this gets any messier."

 Before Erik could respond, a blue spangled shield was suddenly thrown his way. To avoid the hit, he instantly released Grace and ran across to defend himself. Many guns were fired toward him, some hitting him on various parts of the body. A large figure towered over him, and swung at his jaw, sending him across the floor. A harsh kick came from behind, possibly breaking one of his bones. Grace was still motionless on the ground, an easy prey for him. Using all his strength, he struggled to make his way toward Grace. Again, bullets were fired, causing Erik much pain and often stopping his path.

 Suddenly, a huge sound of metal was thrown toward him, knocking off harshly off his feet. Knocking the breath out of him as he soon realized, he was overpowered and there was no hope for him. Pain came from all places, but all combined into a burning form of hurt inside.

 Lies, don't wanna know, don't wanna know oh. I can't let you go, can't let you go oh.

 There was only one kind of pain left, as Erik gripped the gun near him. With all of the small strength left in him, he pulled the gun trigger and watched the bullet fly into Grace's frail body. Knowing his pain was no released before his eyes slowly closed before him, his life was filled with struggle and pain that disguised them as lies. The love ones around him were now his enemies, but now he could finally rest because his goal in life was finally finished.


 Grace was thrown violently against the cold ground as Erik ran from Steve's shield. Her back throbbed with pain along with small presence of Erik's strong grip. Many gunshots were filling the old warehouse, and often times landed by Grace's ears. From her blurred vision, she could see Steve running after Erik and the bullets being shot by Erik's gun in hand. A hand shook her roughly as her body turned from its laying position, to an open, faced forward kind of position. Uncle Phil gathered her body close, but wasn't able to take back into the car. A loud medal sound rang through the room, as she watched Erik fall into the ground with the Steve's shield ramming against him.

 It was over. Erik was gone, and Grace was now free. Her bruises, and everything would soon be erased and it would just be a distant memory for her. Starting fresh with Steve was something she had always wanted. Life was finally looking up for Grace and was eager to get started on the new start.

 Suddenly, a piercing pain came through on her back. A different kind of pain, as Grace slowly reached her back, feeling a deep liquid that continued to pour onto her sweater. Her heart suddenly stopped for a moment, as Grace slowly realized what has been done. As Uncle Phil returned with the stretcher, the damage has been done and Grace was slowly losing conscience. The voices of different people were ringing in her head, catching the last glimpse of her life, the one that had changed it forever. The soft blue eyes she had fallen in love with, who was the only hope for her.

 A/N : Ack , so this is way better than the one I posted up last night . So I hope you guys enjoy(or at least tried to) this chapter , haha ! Big thanks to all that added this story to their libraries recently , remember this up in the Wattys for Fan Fiction ! Be sure to give it your full support ! (:

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