Chapter Nineteen : Motivation Push

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 "Grace, Uncle Phil is here!"

 Grace shot up from her bed sheets, then she slipped on her slippers, before running down the stairs. Uncle Phil greeted her with his famous smile that usually melted Grace's heart and brought it joy. It's been a while since Grace had seen Uncle Phil, since he was busy on work trips and various reasons. Uncle Phil was all Grace and Carly had, after her parents' sudden passing. Uncle Phil kindly took them in as his own, and treated them with much love. Grace always thought of Uncle Phil as her second father, since he was her dad's brother.

 She poured herself into her Uncle's arms as he held her close and stroked her brown hair. The hug lasted for a few minutes as Grace poured her tears of joy onto his shoulder blade. She let out a huge happy grin as they walk toward the table, to sit and converse between themselves. Another thought struck Grace, what about Steve? Should she tell her Uncle about him?

 "So, how are things here in New York?" Uncle Phil calmly asked.

 "Oh, it's great. The buildings are so huge here, and I can't believe that I'm actually living here."

 Grace bit her lip, to stop herself from spilling more information which could eventually lead to the topic of Steve. Uncle Phil studied the room for a while, before returning back to their conversation.

 "Seeing anyone?" Uncle Phil questioned.

 "Ahem, Not at the moment. I kind of, need time to settle in here before going back to the dating game." Grace responded.

 He gave her a quick nod and some sort of mixed expression before getting up from his seat. Uncle Phil excused himself for a moment and walked outside. Grace let out a deep sigh, deciding this wasn't a good time to tell Uncle Phil about her relationship with Steve. Since Erik's in town, she didn't want her Uncle to worry about her too much. And adding her and Steve's relationship would just make matters worse for him.

 As she focused her thoughts on Steve, she had realized he wasn't in the apartment. James and Carly were outside, speaking with Uncle Phil, and probably hadn't noticed Steve's disappearance. Probably, just taking a normal city stroll, a typical thing for Steve to do. Carly walked back inside, motioning Grace to pack her bags upstairs. James appeared behind Carly's shoulder, and lifted her bags to show Grace.

 Without a word, Grace walked upstairs to her room and began to pack her things. She knew Uncle Phil was picking them up and taking them to a different location away from Erik's view. Knowing how trained Erik was, he probably knew the location of her apartment and was probably planning his attack on her. She didn't want to bring too much things, but only the ones she needed the most. A couple minutes later, she was all packed and ready to leave. As she walked down the stairs, she wondered where Uncle Phil would be taking them.

 What about Steve? Will he know where they're at? The questions continued to pressure her, to tell her Uncle about Steve.

 "Uncle Phil, where are we going?" Carly asked.

 "You'll be staying with Sean Ross for a while." He stated.

 That wasn't so bad, Grace thought, As long as she got to see Steve, things might work out after all.


 Addison couldn't believe her eyes; there she was, in the car with the famous Captain America. She had to bit her lip to keep herself from asking pathetic and useless questions. Which was hard for Addison to do, he was the first Avenger and he was incredibly good looking for his age. Enough of the crush stuff, Captain Rogers had interest in Agent Coulson's niece, Grace, and Addison was happy for the two.  Should she tell Captain Rogers about the bet her and Agent Romanoff made? And how Agent Coulson would deny his heart out, saying his niece had no interest in the first Avenger.

 Addison thought Coulson would be jealous of Grace, since Captain Rogers is Agent Coulson's hero. Probably, when they arrive back at SHIELD, the first thing Coulson would ask Captain Rogers, would be about his vintage card collection he was proud of. Things must of been hard for him, being out of time. For him to try his best to get used to the modern world, many things were different, including the customs. People weren't as polite as they were back then, women acted more edgy and refused to do their home duties. Well, some of them. Something Addison knew Steve wasn't used too.

 "Are you adjusting here okay?"

 "Yeah, I could take some time to get used to everything here."

 "Well, Captain, we'll try our best to get you up to speed with everything."

 As they stepped out, and entered into the SHIELD building, they were greeted by Agent Romanoff. She flashed a sincere smile, before walking between them out the door.

 "Excuse me for a moment." Addison stated.

 "Natasha, where you going?"

 "I'm just going to drop by Stark Tower. You know, just for fun." She chuckled.

 Addison let Natasha move aside and watched her as she walked toward the huge building that read Stark. She brought Steve to a small room, with a tiny laptop on the desk. Steve gave her a confused look, as she motioned him to the table. This was Nick Fury's idea, as Steve opened the laptop and clicked play on the video. An old black and white video was shown on the screen, showing Captain America and his team. Addison left Steve alone, to the video and walked out.

 He needed the motivation, the push to get him going. 

A/N : Boring chapter huh ? Ugh , I don't like this . But this was more like a filler chapter for the things left to come ! (:

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