Chapter Twenty-Six : Dysfunction

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 Erik let his lips curl into a foxlike grin as he held the gun that pointed toward Grace's chest. He watched as she breathed in slowly, her chest steadily moving with the gun against it. He marveled at her beauty, the way she looked when he would try to hurt her, just brought him satisfaction. All at once, he dropped the gun slowly and pressed his lips against hers. He longed for the feeling of being loved, and Grace was the only one who truly loved him. Erik could feel the frustration in Grace as she pulled on his shirt and kicked furiously. One of the kicks however, managed to hit him on the crouch, making Erik release from the kiss. The pain rattled in him, as he stared onto the eyes of his past lover. Something in him snapped, and made him point the guy toward Grace again.

 "Do it. You love me right?" Grace calmly spoke.

 The words continued to echo in his head as he lowered the gun, "Of course, I love you babe."

 Getting back on the wheel, Erik decided to drive into the city.  There was something Erik wanted to do, the tradition he wanted to bring back with Grace. Back in California, the two would always grab Starbucks after Erik would return from a day at SHIELD. He knew how much Grace loved her Starbucks, and decided to put up with her constant cravings for one. Sometimes, he would surprise her with her favorite drink from the place, a regular hot chocolate. He knew Grace loved having hot chocolate, no matter what the temperature or the time of day it was. It was a tradition Erik wanted to continue as he pulled over to a parking spot near the café.

 Grace raised a brow and let out a soft scoff, knowing Erik's regular tradition of things. Instead of smile, she gave him a stern, mediocre look, instantly sending another vibe of anger into Erik. He pulled her arm harshly, and whispered close to her ear.

 "You're getting a hot chocolate. Your favorite right?"

 She smirked, "I knew you wouldn't forget."

 Sending another happy vibe into Erik as they strolled into the café, hoping to look like a couple. But Grace refused to hold hands, as she stayed behind him. Erik ordered the usual for the two, he didn't mind keeping watch of Grace due to the fact he had the gun hidden in his pocket. There was no escape, the café was filled with many innocent people and Grace wouldn't put their lives in danger. After picking up their orders, Grace was gone. Erik didn't understand, couldn't comprehend on how she could have escaped. There was no trace of her in the crowd, nowhere in the café.

 Erik's blood started to boil within him as he harshly threw the hot chocolate onto the ground and broke out into a sprint. A part of him wanted to pull the trigger on the gun, sending a signal to Grace that he was after her. But it was better for things to be kept private, not wanting let the whole public know, who knows the blonde man from nights before could be hidden. Erik smiled to himself; Grace learned well from her uncle, must have been why she escaped easily. Has SHIELD recruited her and turned her into their own?

 Throughout the fast sprints, Grace wasn't in sight, and the idea of pulling a gun was starting to form into his mind. How could he have been so naïve? Obviously, Grace would take the chance to escape from him. Her sweet talking and quiet nature fooled Erik so easily, letting his heart get into his way. Still, part of his plan was to make Grace fall in love with him again, and it seemed clear to Erik that Grace clearly loved him back. Despite the horrible night, despite all the arguments, she loved him through thick and thin. All at once, it seemed clear, as Erik stood across his target, the way she looked around her area, was obvious to him. Erik took another deep breath and ran towards to what was rightfully his.


 Erik was sick of the name and games SHIELD had given him. He didn't understand, Agent Barton and himself were the top agents in the facility. Without Agent Romerv, Agent Barton was nothing. Ever since, Clint was called to Budapest, he returned with a blonde, who was the threat to SHIELD. Throughout the absence of his best friend, he wanted to impress him with his new experiments. Using some of SHIELD's passed weapons, Erik created a much powerful weapon than all of those combined. He longed to present the weapon to SHIELD and how great of a use it would be for them.

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