Chapter Seventeen : Don't Give Up

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 Grace definitely shocked Sean with her life story. The thought of Grace and her abusive boyfriend fluttered his senses. He felt bad for Grace, and didn't know what to say about her situation. She acted rather calm than most women would be about their abusive relationships. Though, this only happened to Grace once, she acted differently than most people. Why didn't she get help? Even though, the situation had passed and she coped with the problem, there's nothing wrong with seeking treatment. Grace didn't seem to be emotionally scarred as much as physical, but she was strong and trying to repave her relationships. To her, starting out fresh and clean in her new life in New York. If the accident didn't happen, she wouldn't have met Sean or Steve. Both played a key role in Grace's new life, and Sean was proud of his new standings in it.

 He returned to from the bathroom, trying his best to tiptoe his way back to Steve and Grace. Close by, he heard Steve speak, his voice firm in his question.

 "Why didn't you tell me?"

 Sean peeked in; both were in the same spot. From afar, he could see Grace's lips tremble with emotion before she spoke.

 "I-I... I was scared."

 He watched as Steve leaned in closer to Grace, and as their lips connected. Steve's hand held Grace close, and the kiss didn't last very long. After, Sean felt a sudden pain to his stomach. Something he didn't like feeling, as a fiery urge brushed over him. He couldn't help but feel jealous of the two, before walking away, not wanting to listen more of their conversation. The moment continued to replay in his head, something he wanted to erase. A part of him, wished he didn't see the kiss, another part was unusually glad he did. Either way, Sean hated the feeling that was pressing onto him.

 He felt jealous, or left out. From his view, Steve's love for Grace was strong, and he was willing to do anything for her. He wasn't sure on Grace's view of it, but Sean was sure that Grace loves him as well. What about Sean? To Grace, Sean was probably just a best friend for her. But, Sean didn't want to be friends; he wanted to be more than that.

 His feelings for Grace were strong, hopefully as powerful as Steve's. How could he compete with Steve? The man was polite, good looking, and had a built figure that surely charmed Grace. Sean never questioned Grace on what she looks for a guy, but if she had to choose between Steve and Sean, Steve would win. As he walked down the many stairs of the building, he started to take notes on good qualities of himself. Sounds a tad bit conceited, but Sean wanted to know what he thought of himself.

 After a few tries, Sean stopped his notes, thinking about himself made him feel conceited, something Sean wanted to abandoned the feeling of. If only Grace was with him, helping him cheer up and stated the things she loved about him. If only that would really happen to him. He shrugged the feeling of loneliness off, and walked out the office doors. Sean wondered if Steve and Grace were still up in the top floor, probably talking to each other with a few kisses here and there.

 Walking was not an option for Sean, after walking down ten flights of stairs; he called in a taxi cab. As he looked out the window, a small voice would call to him.

 You could do it, you know. Win her heart Sean. A charming boy like you, she would have to fall in love with you. Please fulfill my wish for you Sean, find a woman you would be happy with, and if Grace is the woman, I want you to go for it. Don't give up.


 "Agent Par, Director Fury needs you."

 What is it now? The typical, Director Fury needs you, usually meant sending Addison off to another mission. Sure, Addison Par was one of the top agents in the SHIELD Facility whose father was close friends with Director Fury. Her role model was none other than the famous Agent Romanoff. Her whole back story fascinated Addison, who knew one of SHIELD's top agents used to be a big threat to them?

 Even though she's been a part of the facility for a while, she still couldn't find her way around the "temporarily" SHIELD building. Out of all places, they choose to place the building in New York. After, finding Captain Rogers in the artic, and the mishap that happened when he woke, the building was stronger than before. He was the opening buzz around the place ever since he awaken from the ice, SHIELD never lost track of his location.

 At this moment, he currently resides in his hometown, Brooklyn and has associated with Agent Coulson's niece, Grace Jones. Agent Coulson has been informed about the matter and kept a close eye on Grace. He lied to Grace about his whereabouts, and was actually in New York at this time. They kept Peggy Carter's file, just in case Captain Rogers would want to know about what had happened after he left. But Addison thought the file wasn't necessary, assuming that Captain Rogers had fallen in love with Grace. She and Agent Romanoff had betted on it, with Agent Coulson rejecting each one of their strong statements.

 "Agent Par, take a seat."

 Director Fury passed her a file that read Agent Romerv across the stainless table. In red bolded words, it read Inactive as she browsed through the file. The man was incredibly good looking, and one particular picture caught her eye. The picture was of Grace and Agent Romerv, their hands laced with one another, smiles spread across their faces. They looked like a couple who was madly in love. Behind her, Agent Coulson drew a deep breath as he looked over her shoulder.

 "Agent Coulson? Why is your niece in this picture?" Addison questioned.

 Her reverting back and forth to the happy couple picture to the newest picture of Agent Romerv. Obviously, Agent Coulson knew something about the two and was taking a while to answer. Eventually, Director Fury filled her in.

 "Agent Romerv was one of our top agents before you came in. Agent Coulson's niece dated him for a while, before he was terminated from the facility." He spoke.

 "What did he do? Why was he banned?" Addison asked.

 "He became a huge threat to SHIELD and began to produce weapons without our permission, using our name to present them." Agent Romanoff piped in.

 She gave Addison a calm smile as she took a seat across from her. Her short red hair swayed along as she reached for the file.

 "I was his replacement when Agent Barton recruited me." Her voice trailed off as she looked into the file, "We're kind of the same in a way."

 "But, Director? Why am I viewing his file?"

 "I want you to know more about him. Get into his little scheme or should I say, game. He's planning something, revenge against SHIELD, Agent Barton and as well, Agent Romanoff." Director Fury explained.

 "Wait, you want me to stop a highly trained threat? Captain Rogers is in town, why shouldn't he be joined in?" Addison furiously asked.

 "He will. That's why we need you to pick him up and take him back here."

 Addison couldn't believe what Director Fury was saying to her. Agent Romanoff gave another smile as Addison breathed in a long sigh.

 "We need you to find someone, to distract Miss Jones." Director Fury stated.

 "Sean, Sean Ross. Grace loves him." Agent Coulson suggested.

 "This is your mission, Agent Par. Don't disappoint me."

 With that, Addison walked off with full confidence, ready to take on what she had been called to do. 

A/N : Soooo , what do you guys think ? How was this chapter ? Not to boring right ? Poor Sean , how awkward was it for him to see Grace and Steve kiss . Well , Addison is the newest addition to SHIELD , her first mission is to team up with Captain Rogers ! Whoop ! Well , tell me what you think , thanks for reading guys (:

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