Chapter Twenty-Four : Decisions

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  • Dedicated to ImposedWriter @ TDA

 Erik held his breath for a couple of seconds, as the door slowly opened in the dark room. Her high heels clashing against the floor indicating her presence, from the shadow, Erik was expecting this visitor. He switched on the light, revealing a tall, honey blonde woman covered in various bruises. Her scent was a smell of different combinations of alcohol.

 "I did what I was told." The woman spoke.

 Erik's mouth curled into a small smile, trying his best to hold in his excitement, "Address?"

 She passed Erik a small note, with the address recorded in neat, curly writing. Erik knew the handwriting well, something he would always see before he started his day in SHIELD. Grace liked to send Erik inspirational morning messages before his day started, usually brought a smile and started out his day right. He pulled a pile of hundred dollar bills out of his bag and handed it to the blonde. Her bruised lips formed a smile of greed as her cracked lips kissed each of the dollars lightly.

 "Was it hard for you Irene? I really hope you didn't go through much trouble." Erik cooed softly.

 Irene flashed a proud grin, "I could take it. Besides, the money was always on my mind. Kept me motivated."

 "The boy, how bad is he?" Erik questioned.

 "Bruised, beat up, heartbroken, is there anymore we can do to him?" Irene smiled playfully as she continued to flip through the stack of bills.

 Erik watched as she counted the amounts of money she had received for her deed. He had more in store for Irene, which meant more money to give as her reward. Why did she need so much money? She was a broke and stubborn girl who drank a lot and sometimes got her words slurred.

 Irene annoyed Erik at the times, but this was all going to end soon. Grace will come back to him and both will return to their California home, leaving Steve, SHIELD, and Irene. For Irene, she would be easy to get rid of, as long as she got the bills in her hand, she'll be satisfied. Erik knew Irene was working all for the money, but he didn't mind. She was experienced, a perfect liar, and a key component to his plan.

 Everything was working out perfectly. Soon enough, Grace will be by his side, wanting to start over and begin a new life together.


 Sean let his emotions go ahead of him, that very moment, he had to kiss Grace. It was the perfect time, and she looked, spotless at that moment. To his surprise, she kissed him back, her words from the afternoon echoing through his head. Grace has always said their friendship was the only thing she wanted to focus on, but Sean knew that statement was a lie. All in his head, he knew Grace had some feelings for him. After the small kiss, Grace let out an angry glare as she tossed the towel harshly into the bowl.

 "Oh my gosh, what did I just do?" She cried.

 Sean tried his best to help his best friend calm down but the pain on his chest prevented him from standing up. He watched as she muttered numerous words at herself while pacing around the room. From his point of view, her nails must have been digging into her skull. Sean heard the words, "what if" and "Steve" come out of her mouth a couple of times.

 "Grace, just calm down." Sean commented.

 "You're telling me to calm down?!" She paused to catch her breath, "I love Steve. And, I can't be going around, kissing other people Sean!"

 "Grace, you can't hold back your feelings, your emotions." Sean snapped.

 Sean was tired of being put off, always being put behind Steve. Grace was denying her feelings for Sean, even if they were very little. Sean wanted to hear the truth and only the truth, no more reasons about Steve, no more friendship statements, he wanted the real truth.

 "Do I have to repeat what I told you this afternoon?" Grace retorted.

 "Frankly, I didn't believe that statement. I know you have feelings for me Grace, you kissed me back." Sean argued.

 She flinched at his comment, and bit her lip to hide her shame. The words, Sean wanted to take them back, but felt they were the right ones for him to say. Grace needed to hear what Sean had to say, what he thought of the situation. He didn't want to make Grace choose between the two, because obviously, he didn't stand a chance against Steve. It was just like his mother's love triangle novels, where one has to be the heart broken one. In this scenario, Sean was the third leg on the team, the wingman of Steve.

 "I just... don't know anymore." Grace cried, her eyes filled with uncontrollable tears.

 She sat close to him, covering her face as she sobbed. Sean lightly rubbed her back, as he held her close to him. He whispered soothing thoughts into her ear, and stroked her brown hair away from her face.

 "I'm sorry, I was a bit harsh." Sean apologized.

 "No, you're right. I needed to hear that. I just didn't want to admit it." Grace responded softly.

 "I'm not going to make you choose." He added.

 "I already made my decision." Grace quickly said.

 His heart stopped for a moment, as he waited for Grace to finish her sentence. The response never came, after a few minutes of silence between the two. Sean didn't want to disturb Grace, or interrupt her thinking. If Grace chooses Steve, Sean would support her decision, and convert his thoughts into building their strong friendship. It'd be hard for him to do, erase the love feelings away, and replace them with a different kind of feeling. If Grace decided to be with Sean, he hoped Steve would do the same, support the two. It would be hard for both of the men, because it all depended on Grace.

 Sean held his breath and let his eyes close slowly, letting himself droop and fall asleep on Grace's shoulder. Hoping the next day, she would greet him with a kiss and let him know, he's the one.

A/N : Another update ! whoo , I probably update tomorrow too cause I have loads of time , so thoughts ? Irene wasn't who you guys thought she was , & who do you think Grace choose ? Congrats to arielleblack for reaching 20,000 reads on Metallic Charms ! If you haven't read the story , go there right now ! it's amazing ! New cover , yes , made by wendythestoryteller . gah , I'm so crazy ! Well , love you all ! 2 more days till it's officially been one year since I've been here ! (:

Oh , quick question , once this story is finished , is there any certain couple from the Avengers you would like me create a fan fiction about ? Like an OC with the Bruce Banner , or I don't know , you guys take your pick ! (x

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