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Jonathan's eyes fluttered open to see that it was morning, but the sun was blocked out by grey clouds. He groaned as he lifted himself up and blinked away the sleep in his eyes.
I guess the good news is that I slept, he rubbed his eyes, But I still don't know-
Jonathan's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened. He looked to see an asian man, his black hair done up in a fohawk, and had dark chocolate-brown eyes. He gave Jonathan a smile, but it didn't help him relax.
"You're awake, great," the guy said, "I was worried when I saw you bleeding out in the woods. You wouldn't have happened to go swimming in the river have you?"
Jonathan couldn't find his voice that seemed stuck in his throat; the guy walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down on its edge.
"I-I," Jonathan's voice was hoarse, "I was running away fr-from wolves, and I did cross the r-river to e-"
He then sneezed, sniffling as his head felt hot and his body feeling cold. The guy pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Jonathan.
"Thank you," Jonathan said, blowing his nose.
"Not a problem," the guy responded, "I think you came down with a cold, but I did bandaged up the cuts and bites so you wouldn't bleed out. Wouldn't want you dying out there all alone."
Jonathan lowered his head when the hit of reality as his expression turned sad as he remembered that there was still the chance that Luke was probably dead or alive. The guy placed a gentle hand under his chin and lifted Jonathan's head up slowly.
"I wasn't alone...," Jonathan sniffled a little, "I was hiking with my boyfriend Luke, and when hiking back we were attacked...We got separated, and that's how I ended up like this...I'm only hoping he...He..."
Jonathan felt his tears coming down as he closed his eyes in an attempt to stop them; he felt the guy's hands cupping his face, and his thumb brushing away his tears.
"Don't cry," he said, "I'm sure your love is fine. Shh, don't cry. Don't cry."
Jonathan opened his eyes and looked into the guy's eyes; he could make out a bit of red in them, but it wasn't very noticable. The guy continued to wipe away the rest of Jonathan's tears until he stopped and smiled.
"See?," he said, "You're even pretty when you're not crying."
Jonathan blushed at the comment.
"Slow down there," he chuckled nervously, pulling his head away, "I don't even know you. I don't even know where I am"
"My apologies," the guy answered, "My name is Evan Fong, and you're in my castle: Fong Manor. May not look like one, but it's called that."
"Oh, how interesting. Does anyone else live here?"
"Sadly not, it's a lonely life, but at least I have some company right now."
"Oh, yeah, I guess, heh heh."
Evan chuckled lightly before getting up.
"I'll be right back with some food," he opened the door, "You should stay in bed and rest. This room is all yours."
"Oh," Jonathan looked away bashfully, "Thank you."
Evan smiled before leaving and closing the door behind him. Jonathan waited a while before getting up out of the bed, his bare feet touching the carpet. He looked around and still saw a fire burning in the fireplace. He spotted a window and went over to it and looking out to see the wintery woods, the sky still covered in grey clouds.
This place is so weird, Jonathan thought to himself, Why is it winter here? It's suppose to be spring around this time of year...
He walked back over to the backpack that was still sitting sitting on the chair. Jonathan looked through it and saw his phone, his portable charger with the wire, a flashlight, two water bottles, and a compass.
Yep, he confirmed, This is my bag. Thank god it's designed to not let water seep in.
Jonathan put the stuff back in and went back over to the bed and laid down; Evan entered back into the room with a tray that had a bowl of soup, a glass of water, two spoons, and a bottle with some kind of strange liquid in it. He walked over and sat the tray on the dresser.
"I managed to find some medicine to help with your fever," he took out the cork, "I don't want it to get worse."
Jonathan watched Evan take one of the spoons and walk over to him. Pouring the liquid on the spoon, the substance was a dark violet color, thick as syrup, and had a strange smell to it. Jonathan, not liking medicine at all, refused to open his mouth when Evan directed the spoon to his lips.
"Come on," Evan begged softly, "I promise it isn't that bad, and it will help you. Now open up."
He grasped Jonathan's jaw as the brunette begrudgingly swallowed the medicine. Jonathan wanted to gag; it tasted bitter and somewhat sour. He was going to spit it out, but Evan tilted his head up so that the liquid went down his throat and not out of his mouth. Evan then let go, Jonathan coughing violently.
"You said it wasn't that bad!," Jonathan croaked, his voice still sore.
"I did," Evan picked up the glass of water, "It wasn't bad because I made sure you swallowed it."
He handed the glass to Jonathan, Jonathan swallowing every last drop to get the awful taste out. Evan got the tray and set it on Jonathan's lap.
"And your food," he presented, "I'll let you eat, but I'll come back to check on you...What's your name by the way?"
"Jonathan," Jonathan answered.
"Jonathan...I like that name."
Jonathan watched Evan leave the room, once again closing the door behind him. Jonathan starting eating, humming a little at the taste.
This is really good, he finished it up, I guess he had a lot of time to spare...
Jonathan put the tray back on the dresser. He got curious and looked inside the drawers to see neatly folded up clothes, consisting of black and dark navy-blue. He walked over to the closet and opened it to see a dark blue cloak and black riding boots.
This is all too weird, he closed the closet doors, I need to know more.
Jonathan walked over to the bedroom door; he hesitated when putting his hand on the door knob.
I don't think I should leave the room, he went back to his bed, I don't want to risk any trouble from Evan...Whoever this guy is...
Jonathan felt sleepy and rested back down on the bed, finding himself in a state of being awake, but still sleeping. Hours later the door opened, Jonathan knowing it was Evan. He felt the comforter being tucked over him. After a little bit more noise he heard Evan leave the room. Jonathan opened his eyes and saw that the tray was gone, but replacing it was what looked like chocolate, with a small note folded next to it.
He sat up and walked up to it, picking one up and biting into it.
Omg, TRUFFLES!, he grinned as he popped the rest of it, and another one, into his mouth, AND THEY'RE MILK CHOCOLATE!
Jonathan picked up the small note and read it.
Dear Jonathan,
I am going out tonight for a short while.
I ask of you to please remain in your room,
since you don't know your way around.
I left you a small treat that you might like in the meantime.
Jonathan got all too curious about where Evan was running off to, but it did mean that he had a chance to sneak around the castle to find some clues.

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