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Evan shot up from bed, panting as he remembered his dream with Jonathan.
I have to save him, he rushed out and put on clothes.
He pulled on his cloak and made sure his necklace was around his neck. He went through the graveyard and stood in front of his parent's crypt, and he shook with the thought of going in it. In the end he ran away, running far and soon arrived back at the moon pool.
"I can't!," he wailed, "I can't do it! I CAN'T!"
Evan slashed the water with his fists when yelling that, just breaking down at the water's edge. Crystal walked up to him, nudging his cheek with her nose. Evan only looked at her before looking back down at the water.
"Who am I Crystal?," he looked at his rippled reflection, "What am I?...I only wish to live my normal life back...I would give anything to be mortal...To live a life with Jonathan...Grow old...I'd give anything..."
Crystal continued to look at him until wandering to the edge of the pool. She stood up on her back paws before slamming her front ones down. The water parted to show a staircase, and all the wolves rushed down it, yipping and barking as they rushed down the steps. Crystal waited for Evan to get up before descending herself, keeping a slow pace so not to leave Evan behind. All the while Evan looked around in amazement at the beauty of it all.
When reaching the bottom they were in this large cave; there were tables with papers, glass bottles, and potions, shelves filled to the brim with all sorts of books, and in the middle a huge cauldron. Evan looked over at Crystal who began to be surrounded in light. By the time the light faded, Crystal, the wolf, was no longer there, but instead a woman, a little taller than him, with milky white skin, flowing white hair, and when she turned her head to look at him she had light-grey eyes.
"C-Crystal?," Evan stammered.
"No child," the woman answered with a soft giggle, "I may be referred to as Crystal, but my name is Lux."
The lady held her hand out, and a staffed magically appeared in her grip. Evan followed close by her like a lost puppy.
"But-," Evan shook his head, "How? How did I not know about this?"
"Evan Fong," she looked down at him, "I known your parents for centuries; after all, we all were childhood friends learning our magic together..."
"...But they're dead now."
"...No, they're not."
Evan's eyes widened, tears gathering in his eyes.
"No," he denied, "I saw they were dead. I saw them! I SAW THEM! THIS ISN'T TRUE!"
Lux turned around and wrapped her arms around him. He grasped onto her white robe, still saying it wasn't true.
"I will show you exactly what happened," Lux let go of Evan, "Come."
They went over to the cauldron, bubbling blue substance inside of it; Lux made a swirling motion with her hand, and mist arised to form a sphere. It went forward to the part where Evan, at the age of ten, was turned into a vampire. He screamed out in pain as blood poured out of his mouth. The young child then fainted to the ground. Lux then appeared, looking a little younger than what she appears now.
"Tenebris?," she looked appalled, "What have you done?!"
Tenebris turned around, Evan's father's amulet in his grasp.
"What I did was get what I wanted," he answered.
"No, I didn't; their souls, their life itself, is trapped in their amulets. Their bodies are now just shells."
Tenebris was in furious tears, Lux looking scared and confused.
"I loved Franklin!," Tenebris now just looked hurt, "I wanted to spend my life with him! I wanted him to love me! But Eviline had to come in!"
"Franklin and Eviline are our friends!," Lux protested, "I know you loved him, but you have to accept that he was in love with someone else!"
Tenebris's eyes glowed bright red.
"You dare go against me?," he tested.
Lux brought out her staff.
"You may be my brother," her eyes pricked with tears, "But I will NOT let you get away with this!"
Tenebris summoned shadows and launched himself at her with a scythe in his hands. The weapons clashed as they fought. Lux was shot down, a trench made where she skidded to a stop. She looked up to see that the moon was shining bright red in a sky of stars. She summoned Eviline's necklace, tears rolling down her cheeks as she placed it on over her own.
"I am sorry," she whispered.
Shooting back up in the air she slammed into Tenebris, managing to grab Franklin's necklace off of him. Tenebris saw that she had her's and the other two around her neck.
"YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!," Tenebris cried.
Lux lifted her hands, a bright blast coming from it and engulfing her brother in it; his body was incinerated, all that was left of him was a retreating shadow, a black cloak, and his amulet. Lux collapsed to her knees and cried. She then tried to perform a spell to bring Evan's parents back, but nothing was working. She screaming in frustration, but then noticed Evan stirring. She picked up the young Evan and put him to rest on the couch while she hid Eviline's necklace back where Evan hid it.
Lux then took Tenebris's necklace and hid it deep in the catacombs while taking Franklin's necklace, along with the bodies of the two parents, through the Fong graveyard and used magic to build them a crypt. She placed the bodies in glass coffins, putting the father's necklace on a stone bust between the two towards the back.
"I will take care of your son," she promised with tears in her eyes, "...I promise."
Leaving she transformed herself into a wolf and made her way back as she began to cast an eternal winter upon the section of the land; in the castle was Evan waking up and letting out a heartbroken and pain filled wail.
*end vision*
The fog vanished, Evan looking up towards Lux as she had a sad look in her eyes.
"All this time," he gulped, "My parents were just trapped like that...and I never knew?"
"Yes," Lux answered quietly, "I do mourn for them every single day...I spent my life trying to find a spell to bring them back, but when I did your father's amulet, and the bodies, were gone. As soon as I saw the tunnel I knew Tenebris came back for them, but I also knew I didn't have the strength nor power to fight him again, and he knew that too. Now another mage born under the blue moon has come, and a dark spell will be complete."
"What spell?"
"Tenebris, now having both necklaces along with his, will attempt to bring your parents back by using the blood of a blue mage with his own blood. Using faulty memories he will have Franklin love him and Eviline, I fear, to be killed by Franklin."
"We can't let that happen!"
"I know, which is why I have a plan: using my blood and your own, you will perform the spell."
"But what about Jonathan?"
"Don't worry; I will keep him safe while keeping my brother busy. Once your parents are back, we'll finish what he has started long ago...as of now, I do have a spell that can transform you back, if that is what you wish for."
"...Please. I only wish to be with Jonathan."

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